Just got word that: "Buster is now home and doing fine. Her and Jack are
giving each other distance but it seems they are going to be getting along just fine
in no time. We'll send pics soon."
So, from stray for 5+ years, to happy house pet. Buster was here a grand total of 6 days.
She was both my easiest and hardest foster to date. Easiest, because she was easily self content, cuddly, not afraid of anything on a leash, very flexible, and not needing a lot of 'work' to make living with her easy.
She was also my hardest as in: outdoors she was terrified for quite awhile. She was the first foster to do any sort of damage to us -although she didn't realize it was Jerrad. She gave me the slip once from her double collar, only to come home not quite half an hour later -pawing the glass door to let her back in! She needed things done very slowly, a routine, and a lot of the time her safety blanket of the leash.
Regardless, her funny prescence will be missed, and she was a great learning experience besides.
But, even though our time was short, I hope that some of the 'outside is good too' rubbed off on her. Some pictures from a session we were doing in the backyard, where Buster got more affection outside than inside. Notice: butt scratches are her FAVORITE.
1 comment:
Hooray for sweet Buster. Be good girl - you got it made in the shade!
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