Saturday, April 21, 2012

Toast Adopted -Take 2

About a year ago, Toast came to foster care with me, became a 'terrier', and found her home with a great woman and her golden retriever. Unfortunately, as sometimes happens in a happy tail, there is a bump in the road. Toast's mum is very sick, and has to go to the hosiptals for many weeks, possibly many months, for treatment. So Toast, although very happy, and well-cared for must find another home. :(

Bring in a family that applied for Toast last year, just after she was adopted. They waited to find their dog, and only a little while ago, applied with Turtle Gardens again. Two days after their homecheck was completed, the plea for Toast came in. So, the dog they wanted, somehow circled back to them.

And here Toast is: on the ferry, going home with her brand new family. Good luck in your new home Toaster pup, and a big thank-you to Toast's first mum for giving her great skills and care for the time she was with you.


Barb H said...

yah for Toast!! Hope she settles in real quick.

Jean said...

Things always seem to have a way of working out - to think that this family wanted Toast a year ago, and suddenly everything falls into place for Toast and for them. I'm sure Toast's first adoptive mom will rest easier knowing Toast will be very much loved.
Best wishes, Toast.

Anonymous said...

WOW i am so happy for Toast' she is loved by many''cheersPolly