Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekend Off!

It's the first weekend in months that I've both been fosterless and boardless. Soooo, it's off to Vancouver for me this weekend to visit my family, be fed oodles of chinese food and try to find some motivation to get back into my novel that's recently come to a halt.

Lemon has already decided she's bored. Both my dogs have been ridiculous the last three or four days. I get home from work and you think they're loving me up, but nope, they are most definitely checking the car out for signs of another FRIEND.

Mumma, why didn't you bring us another dog today??

Jee, thanks!
At the same time, it's a good sign to see as I know they thoroughly enjoy having foster siblings.

For now, I leave you with an update picture of Miranda with Kaiser -one of my saves from California-. Kaiser is the one wearing the bright colors ;) The other dog in the picture is Cooper, Miranda's childhood dog.

Kaiser has been invited into a MASTERS obedience course for the fall, and is in training for his prey drive. He went nose to nose with a goat yesterday and LICKED said goat!

What a spoiled only dog ;) A far cry from almost being euthanized in California.

Back on Monday. If anyone has any updates for me, please do send them along! This blog is going to be pretty boring for a bit.

Best regards,

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