Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Chow goes home tonight to her 7+ acre property and new big, goofy, active housemate. She's gone to her last day of daycare (or with me anyway), is having her two hour midday nap, and then we're off for a hike later on in the day.

I will be sad to see her go, but at the same time, I must admit to myself, I'm not a terrier person and in the last two weeks she's become a real TERRIER!

She's come a long way here in confidence, maybe even too far, and although I love her to pieces, I'm going to enjoy some peace for the next couple of weeks. They don't call terriers terrierists for nothing!

The girls get in trouble!
In other slight news, I decided to 'pick' my next TG foster, which we all know is a recipe to suddenly get them adopted. I had wanted to foster Toffee, a medium sized shepherd girl who could use some confidence building.

And who goes and gets herself a really good application in Victoria?? Yep, you guessed it. Toffee. There are still a number of steps to go through of course beyond the application, but JINX!

So I'm going to keep my big mouth closed and not pick anyone until we get closer. Heck, I shouldn't even kid myself that I get to 'pick' anymore. Oh well, I know Yvette well enough that she'll know who to send, and who to stick away from.

Still, it would be nice to pick a dog and you know, foster them. But really, an adoptive home is what its all about!

And now to catch a nap with my Lemon-Zinger, and go for a long hike this afternoon.

1 comment:

Brigid said...

Wonderful news for Chow! (and probably for your TUAPAS as well!)