Friday, March 30, 2012

Keeping Things Straight

Migo is coming in tomorrow.
My TG Foster, who I will not name until they're on the bus for me, will be here Sunday.

In my few moments of saneness between school projects (I'm done 1/2 big projects though, and a couple of days early to boot!) I've become a bit more organized. Since I'm fostering for a few different rescues, I need to keep the stuff organized. So, I divided one of my TV armoir's bottom draws into three and will get a couple of labels tomorrow. So, I can keep straight which collars are whose --the Island Dogz ones always come with their tags, but just in case-, papers, records, any other supplies, receipts if I need them, etc, etc.

Turtle Gardens, Island Dogz, Ocean Dog Rescue.

No more! I don't want to have to subdivide the drawer again. And really, three is enough and I've been a good girl and haven't caved to any more Cali dogs. It's easier when there's really no funds for them. Besides, who am I kidding, if shit hit the fan, I'd be the last person to know what to do. Allie was a good eye-opener that I shouldn't be going in blind. At least with the Taiwanese dogs, I get plenty of video, and I know they are dog-social because they have to live with multiple other dogs continuously. So, no more taking chances for awhile.

I also bought a third food bin too. Previously it was: Our food bin, bin for Island Dogz, and the closet for the TG food. Now we have 3 bins :) And they will be labeled with each rescue, and Beckett/Lemon food will take up the closet.

It's all a bit more organized than I'm used to, but I'm lucky that my rescues don't mind me fostering from different places co-currently. So, best do my best to stay organized.

Oh, and moment of the day. Jersey the Great Dane is staying over tonight. Zephyr slept through her coming in -he must REALLY be used to loud dogs, cause she was REALLY happy to be here. Anyway, he saunters out of his crate an hour or two later, turns the corner and BAM. He's paralyzed in his tracks and you can see his eyes bug out of his head like "BIG.... DOG...."

After about a minute or so he figured he was safe enough (for being 120 pounds, Jersey is a small dog in her brain). Still, funny.

And that's all she wrote tonight.

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