Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cashew Goes for a Homecheck Tonight

Not much to write about in regards to Cashew. She's social, her person resource guarding has mostly melted away with a firm "no resource guarders in my vicinity" motto. She meets all people well, no accidents, sleeps excellently in her crate, does well at daycare, is okay for a few hours alone at home. She's an easy keeper. She's gotten to visit her sister Peanut at daycare once this past week and the two had a blast zooming around. Hopefully Peanut was tired. Cashew has the better "off-switch" of the sisters, but I think Cashew can play longer and harder. She is also the smallest bit bigger than her already adopted sister.

Cashew is also going for a homecheck this evening, so fingers crossed. It's a good app! Lately, I haven't even bothered networking. People are just starting to come to me. Makes me a little lazy, but I can't complain.

In small other news. Beckett is now a senior and I can't be in denial about it anymore. After coming back from vacation I looked at him and knew. He's got awhile yet -many years hopefully-, he's happy, healthy and going to go in to have his teeth cleaned soon, but he's a senior. My old man is old!

Jinks is starting to frisbee. She's also starting to find her off-switch in the house at least for brief moments at a time which is nice. I have to stop calling her the puppy! She is now a young lady and will soon be an adult!! I doubt she'll start fully acting like it until 4 though.

Updates as they come. Hopefully we'll get some agility video soon. I just have to drag Jerrad along or something.

Emily Out

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