Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pictures from Tegan's

We went out to Tegan's to visit today. Although a bit shy at first, Buckwheat decided Tegan was oodles of fun and soon they were zoomie-ing around the acreage together. Barley decided to stick close to Beckett, find a chew toy and be her somewhat serious self.

Here are some pictures from our afternoon:

Buckwheat the Ham

Barley having a chew.

Miss Tegan

Barley isn't too pleased she has to sit still!

Everybody in for some hotdogs.

Hyper-attention through the chaos.

Tegan playing with Buckwheat.

Buckwheat and Tegan wrestling.

Barley zonked after her play session -she's such a dog's dog. She can't get comfy if there isn't another dog around.
Lots of applications coming in for these two -mostly for Barley-. I can smell some adoptions coming :)

A Goofy Little Story

So there comes a time where every foster gets some peanut butter on their nose. They love it. Today there's an exception.

Get jar out, place the peanut butter on everyone's nose. Happy nose licking commences. Except for Buckwheat. All of a sudden he just starts this epically noisy whine fest.


Apparently he forgot how to use his tongue...
(He's a dumb blond puppy. Good-natured to bits, but kind of out to lunch).

He wasn't even the funniest part though. After Epic Whine, Barley comes over, gives him the look only a girl can give a stupid boy, as if to go "Use your TONGUE stupid."

Eventually Buckwheat caught on and got the peanut butter off his nose.

Oh, and here's a picture from last night.
Couch Tater-Tots?
They weren't overly pleased about me removing them from this comfort and taking them to bed. As per usual, Barley did what she was asked without a fuss, and Buckwheat put on a whiny show until he flopped into his crate with his sister and didn't wake up again until morning.

Girls... maybe they just mature faster ;)

Probably another update today, or at least some pictures. We're going out to visit Tegan. Suhki, Veda and their people might join us. It'll be a slew of TG dogs!

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Importance of Naptime!

Babies are cutest.... when they are asleep! And just like with little babies, puppies can get overtired and grouchy and whiny. Suddenly they aren't quite as cute ;) It is important for them to be well-rested, and to start with small intervals being apart from 'their people'.

Now that they've settled in to a routine, and started daycare, they are starting to have some well laid out crated 'naptimes'. They are up and at it for 7:00am and go out to potty, then eat, and play like crazy monkeys until about 11:00 when you can tell they are going to get grouchy soon. Step in naptime! 11:30-1:30 is sleepy time away from mum. Although they put up a little fuss -hey, I want to sleep beside YOU! they settle down quickly and by 11:40 are usually out for the count. The naptime is actually doing triple duty.

1) They are getting enough rest that babies need
2) They are getting some extra crate training that will serve them in their new homes ---even someone who is home all day really wants their dog to handle an hour or two by themselves.
3) Nipping any potential seperation anxiety in the butt. For it to become normal that they don't need to be in my presence to feel safe.

We follow the same morning protocol in the afternoon. Out to do your business at 1:30, back in for a quick lunch, and then either to daycare on the days I am working, or out for a walk and some sociliasing with people on the days I'm not. After the walk, a bit of playtime, then another hour break. If they zonk out on the floor or couch, I don't bother moving them, but if they start to get a little cranky, it's off for a late afternoon nap. Routine works! After two days of nap-time, it gets about 11:20 and they are looking at me like 'hmmm... I think it's naptime now!'. Barley even ran in an open crate today at 11:15. Smart girl!

They are coming along well with meeting people -they actively want to engage with new people now, which is good-, and Barley is no longer frightened of most big dogs. Today she's been tailing Jersey, my Great Dane client around. She's a total dog's dog. People smeople, she wants to be where the dogs are.

Buckwheat is still a little barky britches when it comes to meeting new big dogs, although did really well with Jersey. There is being nervous for good reason, and there is throwing a hissy fit cause another dog dared look at you. He's getting there though! He'll just need some minimal confidence building in his introductions to big dogs. He's a BABY though. Through guided exposure he'll be just fine.

No pictures today. My camera doesn't take good enough quality pics of running, playing puppies :S. Hopefully I'll get a few decent ones over the weekend though!

I'm kind of waiting for a flood of applications. I mean, who wouldn't apply for them!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What Good Babies :)

TG never disappoints in the puppy department. Barley and Buckwheat (who for some reason I keep calling Dawson... I guess he just looks like a Dawson to me) are sweet, pretty much housetrained with lots of dog manners. They can turn on the play, but they also snooze a lot. Buckwheat loves to snuggle.

Buckwheat: "I don't care if you're slightly allergic to me, I'm gonna cuddle."

Me and Buckwheat snuggle. -Jerrad's camera phone, so not the greatest quality shot.
Barley is interactive, but prefers not to cuddle. She spends her sleepy time hanging out with Beckett. She is quite adventurous and always the first one to go scope something new out. Buckwheat is more reserved, but not so much that he doesn't get curious after a few minutes. Both have met cats and not reacted, and both have met a few kids, and although cautious, enjoy getting attention. (They are wimpy puppies, so are cautious with everything!)

They  sleep through the night 11-6:30. The only stumbling block currently is that they are both somewhat fearful to meeting big dogs. Small dogs, no worries, but big dogs are SCARY! They will learn though. After all, Mr. Babysitter is a BIG dog.

Today was their first daycare day and they did really well down with the little dogs. They will be in the little dog group for quite awhile. They played a lot, slept a lot, and kept themselves busy so tonight are very sleepy puppies.

Overall, they are very sweet, darling babies who will make fantastic family dogs. They are mellow, but still playful. They'll be low-medium energy adults. They will need patient families that don't want 'gung-ho fearless' type puppies, as like I mentioned up above, they are WIMPS!

But, I'm sure you're after pictures!! So, here are some from the last couple of days.

Cuddly Puppies

Beckett Babysits Troublemakers.

Barley cuddling with Beckett

Buckwheat on his leash.
And a litle video from today :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

New Fosters: Barley and Buckwheat

Day 1 Update

Grabbed the pups from the barn in Vancouver yesterday. It had been awhile since I'd seen Dave, so most of my morning was spent talking to him, and a few of the other foster mums I finally got to meet in person. Helped leash and collar some cute pups, and soon we were off with our newest arrivals.

Meet Barley and Buckwheat. They are not quite 14 week old Golden Retriever mixes. Buckwheat (male, on the right) is a little leaner in built, and has quite the long nose. Barley, the female, looks pretty much exactly like a golden retriever pup. No one would question you if you told them she was just Golden, no mix. She is stockier, a bit bigger of paws, and quite confident in herself. She was one of the only pups at the barn that was soliciting attention from new people. They are about 18-22 pounds, and will double or a little bit more than double their size. So probably 40-50 pounds. Their mum is quite small.

They slept the whole way back on the ferry. They met Lemon as she came with us (small dog/small bladder) but were a little scared of Beckett on first meeting. Very quickly they found out Lemon is the one with the attitude and tell-off, and as quickly as they shied away from Beckett, they were running to him "Protect me big dog!!" They fell asleep for an hour or two cuddled up to Mr. Babysitter.

They had never been on a leash before, so we picked them up and carried them for the first while, but even after a day, they are coming along very well on their leashes. For the first few hours I just let them drag the leashes to get used to them, and now, except for the odd time, they are quite content to go explore the farm on their leashes. They've met the barn cats, the chickens, seen a couple of deer in the distance. Next week, I will have them meet a couple of very dog-savvy kids and we'll go on a few low-key walks so they can start meeting people, but not swarms at a time.

They've had a few accidents, but also quite a few successes outside already -Buckwheat is always quite proud of himself when he goes outside and has to give a little howl of "I DID IT!" They are playful, but quite mellow pups ---they are still pups though!-. They can be quite talkative so far, but not really 'barky'. They also slept through the night 11:30-6:00 very well. I crated them together, and despite a two minute protest, they settled down and slept the night away with no accidents.

Pictures soon. I have to pick up batteries today.
The only downside is that for whatever reason, Jerrad has been having some allergic reactions to the pups. I'm hoping that their baths today will make it easier. Ahh, there's always something in dog rescue that doesn't go completely right.

To a full day of puppy shenanigans.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Little Updates

Just a couple of little updates from some just adopted dogs:

Jasmine and Zephyr are doing well up north. They have become the husband's dogs (I kind of thought that would happen with Jasmine ;) ) and are enjoying long leisurely walks, and the peace and quiet. They're still settling in, but are comfortable and super quiet. They still have some bonding to do with mum, but that'll come in time :)

Pika's new dad got news of a job transfer about a week after adopting Pika. So as of last week Pika is now a Calgary resident. She is doing super well, registered in some obedience, and is starting daycare  for some extra socialization. Her mum reports she is a PAPER HOUND.

Hopefully she was helpful while packing!

The little Mexican, Elsie (who I called Twist), had an interesting adventure too. She came up and is quite literally, a border collie in miniature. Looks, brain, attitude, even quite a bit of the herding instinct. But in about 15 pounds! What I picked up was a wild, lovely, altogether fantastic dog that I knew wasn't what the family I had lined up for her was looking for. She was going to need something to do!

However... the instant I saw her run and bound and turn, I could just see it stapled all over her I AM A SPORTS DOG!!!

So, no-go on the foster-to-adopt, but I had back-up and she was very social. But it was love for someone else instantly.

My co-worker Meshum has fostered a few Turtle Gardens dogs, and helps out Mexican rescue when an adoption fails and leaves the dog in Victoria without a way to really get back to Mexico. And since I've known her, she's wanted, but knows she doesn't have the time to handle, a full border collie. Although she's decided not to foster for a bit to deal with some medical problems in the family, her eyes bugged out of her head when she saw Miss Twist. She quickly hi-jacked my newest foster, took her home for an hour to test her on some equipment, dog sociability, cat sociability, and older kid sociability. And then I got the text: I want to keep her. I sent a couple back: "You sure, I thought you didn't want another one right now." "No, I want her to stay." So, Twist is now named Lita, and I'll be seeing a lot more of her at daycare -she is a whizzing blur of play constantly, but you pick her up and she melts in your arms.

It also reaffirms my belief in some things are just meant to be. Of course you want to make sure you have the basics to raise a dog right and commitment for the long haul, but sometimes the perfect dog shows up at a not so perfect time.  However, I think if you still want to adopt, even if things aren't perfectly in place, that says a lot too. If I was a more practical person, Lemon would have never become Lemon. I'm sure a lot of dogs are this way. Things are never perfect. Just like kids, you'd be waiting forever to have kids if you were waiting for the 'perfect time'. What I do think is perfect, is that Lita found exactly the kind of home she will thrive in. Big back yard, loads of playmates, sports training as well as lots of structure for her bossy boots Mexican nature. And of course, as much as Lita has gained a great home, Meshum has gained a great personality in her life.

Here is a shot my co-worker Brianne snapped of Lita.

Hopefully I'll get some good body shots of her soon, as she really is a looker!
In other slight news, Cindy the Taiwanese Golden Retriever has been postponed due to typhoons in Taiwan. She will be hopefully arrive around the 10th of July now.

Two dogs coming from TG on Saturday. I will let you know who I'm lucky enough to foster as soon as they get on the bus. No jinxing things!

Oh, and a picture update from miss Evee who was adopted over a year ago now. All of her siblings have come to Victoria now and have been adopted. They're hoping for a sibling get together soon.

Evee and her K9 Sibling Lila (both are avid sports dogs if you can't tell :) )

Till Saturday night!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Foster Dad

Although he's not the blogger, Foster Mum is not complete without Foster Dad. Where would we be without the driver, Mr. Patience, Mr. "Okay, bring another in, we'll find room", Mr. Get up and walk a couple extra dogs in the mornin?. A lot of the dogs, just by proxy of time spent with them, end up being "my" dogs, but Jerrad has his share of dogs that would much rather hang out with him. Mostly, he's gathered quite the following of Chihuahuas.

Jerrad's obvious fosterlist includes:

Yayis -she was scared of me, but would follow Jerrad everywhere
Chula & Netty -the dynamic Chihuahua Duo, that would cuddle with me, but much preferred Jerrad
Alvin -the PB Chi who needed to learn how to be a dog and not a lap ornament. He bugged me until the very end, but Jerrad always managed to put up with his crazy Chihuahua-ness.
Rupee -who would whine for him whenever he left the room. She was even named "Chigroupie" as she was his fan girl. Her name was later shortened to just Rupee.

And most recently, and possibly the biggest Daddy-Dog, was Jasmine. From the very beginning right up to when she left, she was always Jerrad's dog. She got comfortable with me, and enjoyed hiking with me, but was never my dog inside.

So to my husband-in-training, and the ultimate foster Dad, this post goes out to you.

Love Emily + Tucker, Yayis, May, Honey, Tine, Xena, Toast, Buster, Gio, Evee, Trunk, Dayo, Ren, Chula, Antoinette, Hank, Lemon, Adam, Panda, Allie, Alphie, Alvin, Helen, Chowmein, Jasmine, Zephyr, Migo, DimSum, Pika, and Rupee. Oh, and of course Mr. Beckett.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feeling Empty... and INCOMINGS

Wow, Zeph and Jas haven't even been gone a full day, and I'm lonely. Zeph was my perpetual cuddle dog. He kept me warm with his big butt. I didn't get any mad dance for breakfast either. I put food down and it took a least five minutes for either of my dogs to bother poking their bowls. They ate laying down. Even Lemon ate laying down. I think all of us are feeling like we've lost a couple of family members. Except Beckett. But is so used to them coming and going, it doesn't phase him much. I'm hoping to get an update from their new home soon.

However, as lonely as it is now, I'm excited for my next foster dogs coming in the next week-ish.

First off, I will be fostering two dogs for TG. Not really sure who until they get on the van, but probably a pup, and a small-medium dog. I have a 'wanted' list :) That will be on the 23rd, a week from now.

Between then and now, two dogs are incoming. One has a foster-to-adopt lined up.

Elsie from Mexico. She's got a foster-to-adopt, a back-up foster, and if both fail, she's got me.
On the 20th, I'll be picking up my next foster from Ocean Dog (who I fostered Migo for).

This is Cindy!

Cindy is a happy-go-lucky, quite energetic still, 4-5 year old female PB golden retriever. I admit, ever since working at the daycare, I have come to understand why the Golden Retriever is the ultimate family dog. I will pick her up the morning of the 21st from the ferry. I doubt very much she will be with me for long, and might be going through a few applications for her. I think, except for Alvin, she will be my first 'purebred' dog. Not that it matters any, just goes to show that anything can pop up in rescue. Even your family golden retriever.

It'll be a full house again soon, and in July we'll have a few customer dogs kicking around almost all month, so I'm sure in no time the couch will be cozy with furballs again. Today I realized it's actually kind of cold in here, I just make due with dog body heat :P

And in the next day or two, we officially resign our lease. Another year on the farm, here we come!

Friday, June 15, 2012

30 Foster Dogs in their New Homes

Jasmine and Zephyr went home today :)

I have never cried over a foster (except when it was thought Dayo (now Suhki) had parvo), and today wasn't any different, but I did get close. I was so happy to see those two older souls off to their new home together. I forgot my camera, but the dogs behaved so well in their crates and took everything in stride. I gave them good scratches and kisses, and like a happy foster mum, sent them on their new adventure.

The fact they were adopted hit most when I came home to only two dogs. It's been months since I've only had two dogs in my house, months since Zephyr found his comfy spot on the couch. He became a permenant fixture, always happy when we got home, always content to snuggle up for a movie. In many ways, for the time he was here he became #3. He learnt to put up with Beckett, how to be off-leashable, and was put on a diet plan where he lost over 12 pounds while in foster care.

If he was a 200 pound man, it would be equivalent to 45 pounds lost!

Although I never did get my true cuddles with Jasmine, she also became a fixture here. She was comfortable, always ready for a hike, and in the end, was able to go off-leash (or at least dragging her leash) with us on the trails.

With the adoption of Zephyr and Jasmine, Jerrad and I have fostered and helped find homes for 30 dogs.

Our Foster dogs, in Chronological Order:
Tucker, Yayis (Lily), May (Mae), Honey (Daisy), Tine (Tye), Xena (Nina), Toast (Stella), Buster, Gio, Evee, Dayo (Suhki), Trunk (Talia), Ren, Chula, Netty, Hank, Aster (Lemon), Adam (Kona), Panda, Allie, Alphie, Alvin, Helen, Chowmein (Lucy), Zephyr, Jasmine, DimSum (Lucy), Migo, Pika, Rupee (Nixie).

We'll get updates on Jasmine and Zephyr soon!

And stay tuned, as within the next week, we'll have a few new fosters coming in too. Two TG dogs, and a Taiwanese. Time to start the cycle a new.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Little Love from Jasmine

Jasmine came back on Sunday to prepare for her trip up North on Friday. Although she was VERY attached to Cecily while away, with a two hour hike (she LOVES to hike, flat trails are good, but Hiking is where its at), she has been my foot warmer the past few days. She can still be a tidbit pacey, but no whining, no stress, she's transitioned right back into foster home #1 pretty much as if she's never left.

But the best thing about her coming back is that she pays some mind to me. I think not having the pups around for me to coral keeps things quieter for her, which she enjoys. Jerrad will still be her 'daddy', but I'm enjoying that she's enjoying my company. She was cuddly with Cecily. I wonder if I'll get a cuddle out of her by the end.

Good luck sweet girl, you are so close to your forever home.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Migo Update


I just wanted to give you an update on Migo.  He is doing well and seems quite happy.  His appetite is strong and he has gained a couple pounds.  The first week he didn't eat very consistently, but now he cleans his bowl in one sitting.  I will try to get a picture with both of us one day.
We have done two training sessions together and I am impressed with how well behaved he is.  He sits, downs (didn't know he could do that until we tried it), jumps and weaves obstacles, and only pulls on the leash a little bit to sniff.  We've gone on hikes and bike rides.  He LOVES running through the woods, don't worry, he comes when I call him too!
He only goes in the crate at night to sleep and he spends the days at work with me where everyone likes him.

Oh and we have run into another Ocean Dog Formosan at the dog park a couple times, they play well together.

Thanks and take care!

Sounds like my little hooligan has grown up! Way to go Migo and his Dad George.

Updates always make me smile. I might not be able to save them all, but the ones that come here get amazing homes in the end. And that, I -and the dogs- are grateful for :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Can't People Just be Grateful?

After awhile of doing rescue, you just get used to the naysayers, but sometimes its difficult to smile and nod and just keep plowing on. So it is plowing through some of the e-mails from differnet people asking me to take this dog or that dog, or to save this one or that one, and most of the time, I don't even bother answering. The hardest part right now is that most people know I'm empty or almost empty.... oh the powers of an active blog and facebook...

The biggest fumbling block that is overly annoying is 'why won't you take this one, doesn't this one deserve as much as a chance as whoever you have a) b) c)? Are they just not cute enough? Not young enough? Not.... blah blah blah blah...'

I'm sorry I can not help them all. But I can't. I'm one small foster home. I save who I can save without burning myself out (as, if I burn myself out, there won't be many new saves). I personally will not deal with dog-aggression, no matter how damn cute a dog is. I usually don't take big male dogs, as I have to put my own personal dogs' wellbeing into the equation first. I am loyal to my own province's rescue too and no offence, it is not my job to clean up California or Mexico or Taiwan, or whatever. I save who I save from abroad because I know I can adopt them out and/or because I've seen their videos and know they will do well here. Is it fair. No. But I didn't say it was.

I guess its just annoying sometimes that as the rescuer you are made to feel like the bad guy, because you won't take somebody on. If only people could be grateful of the contribution (however small) other dog people make. It would go a heck of a long way to making me want to save some more lives. However, I'm not too down. I have too many great rescue allies that I never stay down for too long.


For I AM doing lately.
I'm helping rescue a pup come from Mexico in the next week or two, but unless she's super horrible with cats she has a foster-to-adopt already. I'm her back-up. She'll probably land here a night or two, but we'll be empty or almost empty when she comes, so no big deal.

Meet Elsy, a 8 month old, 9 pound Papillon?x ... could be a chi mix or even a toy aussie mix, but mostly, she looks like a toy version of a border collie (anyone that knows me knows I'm a complete sucker for the look of a border collie!). So sue me, I save the ones that strike me. I did just save a Min Pin!! (total opposite of what strikes me!)

Elsy from Mexico
I'm looking forward to my TG foster(s) coming in a few weeks. Zephyr and Jasmine will head to their new home on the 15th and that'll give us about a week to be fosterless (hopefully...).

In other news, Rupee went home! She remembered the people right away. She is now in Tucker's extended family. She was such a sweet little girl. Even though she was a min-pin, I'm glad I got to spend time as her foster mum. Each one brings you something new. After Rupee, I'm a little less breedist. I'm sure once a certain Min Pin comes to daycare again I'll be breedist again though :P

We have Suhki and Veda staying the weekend, which should be fun ---yay, someone who will play fetch!- and Jasmine comes back Sunday so we can transport her the following week. Cecily bought her a thunder shirt and she no longer paces :) She's still a little 'different' than your typical dog, but considering what the poor girl has been through, it's amazing she's not so much worse.

So that's all that's on the agenda lately. I'm a little on the boring side.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


It's been in the works for a bit now, but it's official now.

Zephyr and Jasmine are going TOGETHER to McKenzie, two hours north of Prince George. They are being adopted together :) Their new mum will fly into Vancouver on June 15th and they will head up to their new lives. How exciting, not only that they have found their home, but that these two sweet older souls will get to live the rest of their lives together.

Jasmine has picked out a new collar for the journey!

Zephyr has been a cuddle butt with Rupee.

It hasn't been finalized, but I believe Rupee has her home too! She should be heading home sometime this week :) Which will leave us have a break for a week or so until the TG bus comes down. Good timing, as Jerrad's family is coming to visit for a week!

In other news, I finally got around to printing off some pictures and doing some framing. Although not all the 30 fosters fit in the 24 frames, almost everybody is hanging out in the living room these days. I'll have to get a new frame sooner than later, so everybody can be involved :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

An Afternoon with Cashe

We had a playdate with Tegan and family today, and I decided to bring Cashe along -mostly cause she needed some new pictures-, but also because Tegan and Cashe know each other from Turtle Gardens. They were both little pups there!

Baby Cashe and Tegan's Littermates
Everyone had a good time. Cashe is an awesome puppy. Originally thought to be high-energy, she is more of a medium energy dog with high energy moments. She's turning out more Corgi than Jack Russell. Unlike a lot of jacks I know, she has a nice 'off-switch'. She is 'active', but she is not hyper. She settles with a chew toy, and is not obessive. She is quick with the cuddles and kisses, and can amuse herself with nylabones or tug-toys for hours. She's got dog-skills out the wazoo, is awesome meeting new people, doesn't even notice the cats, and LOVES children (school-aged). A smart little busy, cuddly machine. Eager-to-please, soft personality, and easy to train. She is also VERY food motivated. She truly is a catch. Her bio and pictures on petfinder should be updated shortly, so hopefully that generates some more interest, as she's been here about two months now with no interest :(

She also has a few basic commands down, and has started some agility basics (being a puppy, she shouldn't be doing a lot of the jumps yet until she's full grown). However, although she has them, she isn't a dog who will work for anyone, so her new adopter might be working 'from scratch' a lot.

Here's a video of Miss Cashe:

Here are some pictures of the lovely Cashe:
Long and Low

Cashe with Lemon -for size comparison.

Great Eye Contact!

Concentrating on the Ball&Rope

Playing Fetch

Playing with Lemon
Cashe and Tegan -Tegan is roughly 50 pounds
Hopefully this sweet little girl gets her home soon! She will be out at the Citizen K9 Walk tomorrow at Elk Beaver lake, so that should get her some interest. She's very hard not to fall in love with. Smart, but also eager-to-please --a lot of the time that doesn't come in the same package.