Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two Adoptions for a Saturday!

Today was quite the eventful dog day. We left early for Duncan to drop Migo off, with intentions of a walk before we got there. However, the car had other plans!

After pulling to the side of the road Jerrad managed to fix it (thank goodness the lug nuts just needed tightening), and we were on our way half an hour later. It's good to have a handy fiance :)

Jasmine spent the ride grooming me. Apparently there was something tasty in my hair. She was skittish getting out at her drop-off spot beside the busy road, but I've already got the report that she's settled in very well. I didn't think it would take her very long. Cecily has a big pack of seven or eight, and Jasmine is amazing with other dogs. She joined the pack as if she's always been there and has been lounging outside all afternoon. I'm not sure if she's found the pond yet ;) Part of me thinks that she's landed where she's going to stay. About a month ago she jumped into Cecily's lap -something she hasn't done with anyone else-, and that might have sealed the deal right there. We shall see though. I trust the dogs to decide. Unless they want to stay with me. ---About three quarters of the fosters seem to understand I'm not their mum, but about 1/4 think they've landed home. They're so hard to part with :(---

Next we dropped Migo off, and she squealed for George. He remembered him! Although he looked thoroughly confused as we drove off without him, he was going for a big hike right away, and would be introduced to the house as a tired dog. I'm sure George will have a few 'first time dog owner' hurdles to get through, but I don't doubt very quickly they will be the best of friends. Migo is off to training classes in two weeks, and his new dad will be looking into daycare for one day a week to keep him social. I'm sure he will love that :)

Migo snuggling on his last night here.

After dropping Jas and Migo in Duncan, we proceeded back with Pika to Sooke for her homecheck. We stopped at McDonalds where she discovered french fries, had a big drink of water, and then off to what will be her new home! It's a great smaller place with views of the water, and the little community of houses has their own private beach too! (Oh, where I can sign up!!!) Pika took to Rebecca very quickly -after she checked out the yard and found a poo spot- and she wasn't all too pleased to be leaving with us. Thanks Pika, you make us look like bad foster parents.

Suffice to say, she chose her home. There was another AWESOME application for Pika in Richmond, and part of me wants to clone her to send her both places, but it's one of those times when the dog chooses. Inside the house as we were talking Pika hung out with Rebecca and ignored us completely. Even at daycare she hangs with me and doesn't bother with the other girls, so this was special. We basically had to drag her out. NO THANKS, I WANT TO STAY RIGHT HERE!

So, after consulting with the Dog Boss Lady, we've decided Pika chose her home today. She goes home tomorrow :)

Rebecca had a similiar experience to me. She saw the picture and she was like 'that's my dog, I don't care what we have to go through, but that's her'. Her previous dog (recently passed) was highly trained and Pika will be the same. She will also get to enjoy daycare out in Sooke to keep her social skills up, as well as have regular play buddies.

I barely got to know Pika, but I know she is a silly, goofy, happy-go-lucky girl who is enjoying reliving the puppyhood that was taken from her.

A couple of pictures from last night:
Pika's guilty look -she's discovered her inner puppy, which comes with a bad case of the chewies!

What a Mug!
So, we will be a pretty empty house for awhile. It'll be my two and Zeph until whenever the next bus run is, or until ODR gets a flight -I'll be fostering a golden retriever for them if she isn't adopted before she arrives. I admit, I've always wanted to foster a golden-.

To the spring cleaning, and have a week or two break. I never stay empty for long though, so you never know what might be around the corner.

Zephyr - He'll have the Couch to Himself for Awhile

The greatest part about it all though: I no longer need to hold any leashes! I'm a spoiled foster mum.

1 comment:

Piper said...

That's so awesome! You must be feeling quite empty now...enjoy the (most likely short) break :)
Maybe the other applicants for Pika will be interested in her twin Pogo ;)