Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Zen in the House

As some of you might know, my biggest dislike in fostering is the 2-3 day transition period of settling in. As much as I look forward to new fosters in the house -I do enjoy it so!- I really can't do anything except for be patient in the first couple of days.

Patience isn't my strong suit.

I'm a planner who likes to work towards results. I like to figure out what the dogs need, and decide on an action plan for them to see them to be the best dogs they can. Of course, having high expectations is different than wanting results. As the dog teach you, results come in small steps, and that's okay!

However, in the first few days, what they need is patience, and relaxation as they settle in. After about 2-3 days, they are usually settled, and at about a week mark, I figure out what skills I need to work on, and get to know what kind of home they need in an adoptive family. Usually, I am working on those skills until they are adopted.

Well, we're on the flip side of the 'transitions' now. Zephyr and Jasmine have been here two months and some. Zephyr sleeps his days away on the couch, is no longer a grouch-potato with Beckett most of the time, and is off-leashable in our field and on the trails. His one weakness is little yappy dogs -he seems to think they're toys and if one starts yapping at him he darts off with the look of 'oh, let's make it squeek! This is fun!' He is stand-off-ish with new people, but not fearful. He is a well-balanced dog. The work has been done with him.

Jasmine is as sweet as pie. She has developed her own routine. Usually she puts herself to bed for most of the day of her own accord, but when it starts to get darker out, or when I'm off work she comes out to socialize and hang by our feet and get ear scratches. We are starting to drop her leash on trails, but she isn't trustworthy off-leash yet. Loud noises catch her off guard and she tries to bolt (not that she can bolt very fast). She is still nervous in new indoor locations, but we can take her anywhere outdoors and she is fine. With Jasmine, she doesn't necessarily need more 'work', just continued exposure. Zephyr and Jasmine have someone coming to view them sometime this weekend. They are interested in three different Formosans from Island Dogz, so we'll see how it goes. Truly, I think they need Zephyr, but a lot of people unfortunately don't pick what they need, and instead pick what they want.

Here are some pictures of the TUAPAs over the last week or two.

Migo has also settled down quite a bit. With some brain work, two days of daycare a week (the full four days have him way too pooped), he has become good in the house and no longer bounces off the walls. Beckett and Lemon will play with him now too. Here are some photos of Mister Migo.

So, since we've all been together awhile, instead of coming home thinking about what skill I want to work on with who, and what I want to tackle, I come home to zen. Zephyr, Lemon and sometimes Migo snuggle on the couch with me and we watch a movie. Life is pretty good :) We'll have a new member joining us this weekend from the TG bus run. I will let you know who is coming once they're on the bus!

No jinxing it this time!
Emily Out

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