Sunday, January 6, 2013

Getting Back to Normal

Getting back to normal for the new year.

The girls were happy to come home. Beckett not so much. Mike was spoiling him rotten!! (THANKS MIKE). Beckett put on a couple of pounds and has since decided to only nibble every now and again. I'm sure he'll go back to being the lean, mean not-quite-as-athletic machine he was previously. On the bright side, he enjoys having his farm back. He does the putter around the three acres once or twice a day. Lemon also enjoys having him back. A year ago she was his dog, and now it's flopped so that she's the needy one and he's kind of like 'meh, whatever'.

In fostering news the foster we were going to get was adopted before we got to her :). So, we're fosterless until the TG bus run next weekend. I believe we'll be fostering a puppy.

With Jinks getting close to becoming a teenager, and showing some problems in the guarding department with other dogs (it's manageable, but it's work and heavy supervision with any new dog we bring in) we'll probably be slowing the fostering down so we can work with her as she grows up. Having a border collie is different than having the husky or the chihuahua. She wants to do stuff most of the time, and she isn't just content to amuse herself. It's okay though, I love her to pieces. I'm just glad I don't have three border collies!

Oh, I sure hope Lemon gets over the teenage hump sooner than later or I'll have two teenage girls on my hands by March. Today Lemon decided to open the cupboard while I was gone and fish out a box of baker's chocolate. Luckily Jerrad is the annoying person that he is and there wasn't actually anything in the box. I think I'm going back to crating her while we're gone. Especially if she's getting into the cupboards on me...

More as a new foster appears.

Happy New Year,

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