Monday, May 27, 2013

Sour Lemon

Jinks and Beckett quite like foster siblings. They greet them very nicely, usually let them warm up first and don't make any sudden movements. Beckett is patience and wisdom, Jinks is level-headed, discerning, and yet ready for a whomping good time as soon as someone starts the party. Lemon is kind of "well I guess, as long as I still get to be the queen." Lemon though, this time around is sour.

One Sour Lemon
The reason why Lemon is sour is two-fold, but they both are triggered by one dog. That, would be Peanut. Peanut who despite numerous good tell-offs (quite a few bits of fur torn out) just doesn't get that Lemon DOES NOT want to play. Which is really annoying, because Peanut doesn't seem to want to play with anyone else besides Lemon.

Lemon is also pretty darn jealous of this particular dog.
For example:
How Dare Peanut steal Lemon's snuggle arm!

Lemon has been pushed back into the "cuddle by the butt" position with Peanut cuddling here.

I'm sure if Lemon could talk she would say: "SOMEONE PLEASE ADOPT THIS DOG!! GET HER OUTTA HERE."

There's only one small, yellow, terrier mix in this house I guess.

---On the whole she's actually an awesome dog, snuggly, doesn't mind to be left alone for a few hours, doesn't mind a crate, is ridiculously affectionate, and is dog social though can be an annoying pest. She'll make someone a really cool companion like Lemon has made us. Go figure, she's just like Lemon was a year and a half ago. Actually, probably a little less crazy than Lemon used to be.

More on the puppies tomorrow.
Emily Out


Anonymous said...

awww... little freckle face has her nose out of joint..

turtlegardens said...

Don't worry Lemon, she won't stay very long and you will have your cuddle arm back. Thank you Emily and Jerrad and Beckett for helping my guys be the best that they can be!