Friday, May 3, 2013

Working Hard for her "Muddy"

If anyone thinks of adopting a border collie, they should first think about whether they really want a needy little bugger always asking for something to do ALL THE TIME.

The face that stalks me.
I can never get any blogging done.
She is a right challenge, sometimes a right pain in the butt, but I'd have another dog like her in a heartbeat. Plus, she's a good little girl at agility for me these days.

For the record, most of the time she knows what she's doing more than I do.

After she works, she gets to go out and play.

Someone forgot to mention to me that Border Collie LOVE mud.
In other news, Cinderella has an a ton of responses (some good, some cringe worthy), and I would be lying if I told you I wasn't getting frustrated by people in general. The adoption process is a process for a reason. If I was running around meeting people with a dog without a serious application, or at everyone's beck and call I would never get anything of my own accomplished. For people who want to meet a bunch of dogs, please just go to the SPCA. You can even adopt a dog the same day if you really want. Please read the bios of the dogs in full. Please don't ask me to waste my time. And please just put an application in. An application shows you are serious, it doesn't mean you're signing an adoption contract.

I'm so grateful to all the good families I've homecheck/screened over the years. Thank you for making my job simple with you!

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