Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tine's First Day at Daycare

Tine went with me for his first day of daycare today. Knowing a lot of huskies don't do well in daycare in general (they're roamers, runners, get-in-trouble-with-other-breed-ers, barkers and whiners, and all that loveable husky stuff that really wants to go pull something.) So I was a little hesitant bringing Tine in, but I knew that he played well, so as long as he didn't mind staying with the other dogs, he was going to be fine.

And he was SUPER. He's beaten Beckett for best husky at daycare (Beckett marks, his fatal lost points). He is a puppy in many ways, but a wise old man in other ways. He knew to play gentle with smaller dogs, and that he could play rougher with the dogs would will do the all-important 'pause' for 5-10 seconds to make sure their playmate is still playing. All the ladies LOVED him, and Turtle, our HuskyXSheppard that's been at the daycare since puppyhood, LOVED him so much his goal for the morning was to get Tine to play with him, even if that meant mounting him to get his attention. Oh that Turtle, he does the same thing to Beckett when they get together, but Beckett's around the same age, so Beckett will tell him off. Tine just looked confused as Turtle tried his darndest to be a gay middle-aged dog.

Tine did okay in the crate for rest periods -I'm slightly worried too much play might mean he overexerts himself (he needs to build muscle in his rear legs from being tied up on a chain for most of his life), but became anxious when I left to go to odd office work. When he was in the room with the other dogs and Cheryl, the other caregiver this morning, he was completely fine without me. No want to jump a fence, no want to hide, and he was very good about hanging in the office with me over nap-time. Just slept by my feet. Doesn't bark when people come in. Played VERY nicely with the little dogs that came in for the second part of the day. He was loved up by a Jack Russell Terrier/Whippet mix. Even the snooty ones joined Tine for some fun.

He's really the kind of husky that makes huskies look good -which, yet again, is proved by A SLED DOG! He also got a good brush out, but needs a second (third and fourth?) helping. He's got so much clumped by his butt its almost matted.

A few pictures of Tine -I'd take some at daycare, but we aren't really supposed to be doing that! I did manage to get one of him snoozing on the nice rubberized floor that keeps both our staff's feet and the dogs feet mostly stress-free. Please dog, don't ever make me go back to non-rubberized floor when I stand/run/walk/kneel all day.

And although they aren't really fostered, here are my two 'rescues' enjoying the second bedroom. Jerrad: rescued from harsh Saskatchewan weather, and of course, Beckett. :)


Mark said...

Are you sure that's Jerrad? looks more like 1 of the Sedins taking a rest before the Stanley cup finals lol

Royal K9 Korner said...

LOL Great descripion on that picture daddy :-) Mommy said the same thing when she saw it lol I dunno Emily, perhaps Jerrad has a second identity that you dont know about lol. Let us know if Jerrad slips away on the same nights that the Canucks are playing in the Stanely Cup lol