Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bummed Camera, Josh Update

Hopefully it's just the memory card, but the camera has been acting up, so unfortunately no pictures of Josh. That's probably for the best though, as he's had a staggering amount of applications with 0 networking. The perks of being a golden retriever I guess.

He has a meet and greet tonight, through the grapevine of Tucker's adopter, who is a vet here in Victoria, and my first adopter ever :). I will get to see Tucker too. :) :) :) If it's not Josh's match, he's got a line-up, so I doubt he'll make it to next weekend here. He might not even make it to the end of this weekend.

A very good boy, his only real fault is that he's 'aloof'. He's never had a person before, he doesn't understand the whole 'following' thing. He's kind of on a mission to do whatever he pleases, but within a few days we've at least got the 'calm in the house' rule down pat. He's slowly getting used to his gentle leader -what's that thing on my nose!-, and is starting to understand who walks who.

I had some initial reports that Josh was a high energy dog, but I don't see that here. I see a dog who has never had a 'home' or a 'person' and is naturally a playful guy who has never had 'rules' 'boundaries' and a real connection with a person. He LOVES people, just not in the 'attached and bonded' way. I see more of a medium energy dog who needs to learn how to bond, needs somebody who will take him through an obedience class, that will love him lots, but also expect a lot from him. I see a great therapy prospect, and also a dog that could be good at agility -he's got a good lot of drive on the toys-. Loves to tug, fetch (not really great on the returning with the fetched item front yet). He doesn't exactly have a want to please, but that'll come with work. He's a good boy. I'm just worried people see 3 year old golden retriever and have the idea of the 'perfect dog' coming into their house. He's far from the easiest dog I've had come in here. He'll find his home. I just have the feeling a lot of the applications will have more to do with looks and assumptions than who Josh really is.

Fingers crossed for tonight.
Emily Out

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