Saturday, March 16, 2013

Home-check and an Update

A really good application came in for Leila last night with a middle school teacher who has the ability to bring her to work half-days and a younger teenage daughter who is seriously into 4-H and would like a good training buddy. We are going for a home-check tonight. March break is this upcoming week, making it a good time to transition in a new puppy. Though to be perfectly honest she's a great little dog kicking around here. Off-leash on the acreage and now some off-leash privileges on the not-many-distractions trails. She is Jinks' shadow too much to go many places without her favorite foster sibling.

But as you can see, it's almost a party on Beckett's bed around here.

4/5 dogs in the house are occupying this bed...
on the bright side, Beckett's hasn't been kicked off his bed I guess.
In other news, an update from Chowmein (now Lucy). Hard to believe it's been a year since she's been here! Time flies. And she's gotten so big too!!! -She was only about 50 pounds here.

Hi Emily

I hope things are going well for you.  It has been just over a year since
Lucy joined us.  She has grown up to be a funny, feisty 70 lb bundle of
attitude.  She is a real delight and tolerates Midas' antics with the air
of a sister with a dim-witted brother.

We love having her as part of our family - thanks for bringing us together.

Miss Lucy posing. She looks so distinguished!

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