Thursday, May 30, 2013

Quick Updates, Picture for Piper

Piper's little girl Daisy (oh geesh, I sure hope it's Daisy!) is staying with us for a few weeks while Piper is off in France (again, I think it's France, my brain is mush lately). She's an awesome little companion, reminds me very much of a look-alike foster we had here called Hanna.

Here's a pic for Piper, who I'm sure is missing her:


And for fun, the picture of her look alike:
She's made herself quite at home Piper. Isn't horribly fond of Jinks -actually, to be fair I'm probably the ONLY one overly fond of Jinks on any given day- but everyone else no problem. She briefly joined the pack this morning on Beckett's bed. 4-5 beds, they all seem to congregate. It's like a bloody clown car, how many can fit on one bed.

Lemon and Peanut are starting to get along OUTSIDE. Peanut is now trustworthy off-leash on the acreage. She doesn't have a recall, but sticks close when she isn't zooming around like a loony toon. The more I'm with her, the more I see Jack Russell mix -thankfully not quite as terrier, or nearly as yappy, but oh yeah, there's terrier there!

Some video of the girls running around.

Chopin is getting bigger every day I swear! He's showing me more and more laid back Pyrenees. He doesn't stick close like previous foster pups Cheddar or Wrangler, but keeps you in "checking in" range. I'm sure he would love some land to keep watch of. He likes observing our chickens too, in a thoughtful kind of a way.

He of course also likes to have some playtime:

Alice is off to a homecheck tonight with what seems a very good application. She is a good girl, nicely crate-trained, not a lot of energy, good on her leash -a chewer, but she's a baby so that's only fair. She's an opinionated little run-like-crazy jack-rabbit though. Not ready to go off-leash in the field, more because at some point she found the game "keep-away" a whole lot of fun. I'm NOT playing keep-away on three acres, most especially with a whippet mix!

In other news, car blew up. Not so happy because I paid to repair something that wasn't even the problem and they can't even find the problem unless I sink another $500 minimum into finding out what the problem even is. Sigh. The car isn't worth much, but she was good for what she did. So, RIP Subaru. Off to the bank today to see about financing something. It's weird, I've always just bought a cheap car outright, but that isn't really an option at the present time. So, hopefully with 3 years at the same job, I can squeeze out a small loan and get something new over the weekend. Relying on Jerrad's old beat-up vehicle isn't so good!


Piper said...

I remember when you had Hanna and I had the same thought! They really do look a lot alike.

Daisy looks great and sounds like she's settled in well :) Was she really sharing a bed with your dogs? That happened fast! Thanks again and thanks for posting an update...loved it!

Emily said...

A VERY brief snuggle with everyone until someone rolled over on her. Think it was Chopin.

Doing really well. Some initial "little dog syndrome" towards Cinder, a big Cane Corso who is staying with me for the weekend, but after about 10 minutes was just fine.

For having 7 dogs in the house right now, she's doing fabulous. Two of those will get going in a few days though. Chopin has apps and Cinder's gone Monday.

I have the feeling she'll initiate play with Lemon with less bodies in the house.

Piper said...

She does have a few remaining "little dog syndrome" quirks to work through (not learned from me!). She's come a long way and is doing so much better :)
I hope she plays with Lemon at some point! I think she even wanted to when they first met. They seem like a good match ;)