Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Horrendously Active Life of Ren

Ren has been in foster care for not quite a week now. And what to say about her that there isn't to like. She's quiet, loves her crate, loves to snuggle, dances for cookies, and is quite content to do whatever you're doing. Go for a walk -no problem, walks flawlessly on a leash. Meet people -yes please-. Hang out with other dogs -sure, you're the boss.

But I think Ren's favourite Canadian passtime is vegging out on the couch :)

This is Ren's "TURN THE FLASH OFF" pose. Not to be confused with licking herself.

Canadian Comfort beats the hell out of living on the streets in Taiwan.

Foxy Lady.

Supper can wait, I'm COMFY!

Ren and Trunk supervise me scrubbing the floors.

 Getting lazy on the supervising front girls!

Outside, we didn't order that! --Ren waits to be let back in and to get back on the couch :P

A bunch of high-energy dogs I tell ya.

Deciding outside is okay for the moment.

You Look Like such a BIG GIRL Ren!

Should we Call you a "Rare minaiture Belgian Malinois?"

Suffice to say, you aren't in Taiwan anymore lazy girl!

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