Thursday, August 11, 2011

I've Haven't Died, There Just Hasn't Been Much New Afoot

Its been awhile. Especially since for awhile I was posting everyday.
Everything has been good on the dog front. I've been down to only Evee for not quite a week, and as per usual, she's her goofy, cuddly, sometimes annoying with all that enthusiam for life, puppy that walked in here 2-3 weeks ago. There are times when she lays over my computer screen trying to get some attention, and times she grabs a nylabone and retreats for a few hours of solitude. She's been reliable being left at home with Beckett uncrated, and has learnt daycare is in the afternoon and hoards her energy for the 6 hours play session. (She doesn't STOP for six hours!)

Although I can't get pictures of her at daycare, cause I'm working, here are some of her in an afternoon play session at home. (She forgot Tuesday is my day off and saved too much energy :P)




Swing and a Miss.

Get that Tuggie! Get it! Get it!

Evee has the moves!

She's also heading off for her one-week trial today. (Both very happy for her, and somewhat sad that I won't get to wake up to her zest for life every morning. She's just so excited for everything, even at 6:00 in the morning when I'm most definitely not!)

Once she goes that leaves me a few days with just board dogs and Beckett until this weekend's dog run hits on Sunday, and the next flight from Taiwan gets back to the island on Monday or Tuesday depending on if they make the ferry or not. So, its a little bit like the calm before the storm!

Although my foster line-up might change between now and the bus run, it looks like Trunk will be coming in for a confidence boost. She has an application, but needs to learn city skills, grow a little bit of spine, and figure out adults aren't so scary. Once I deem her ready, she'll get to go with her forever family. If she's anything like the last few TG shy dogs, I give her two weeks tops.

Tucker 'unshied' at maybe day three (or earlier)
Honey hit a week and a half and suddenly realized she was a terrier and therefore should have an inflated ego. She's never gone back -the lightbulb just suddenly turned on.
Toast took a little longer, but her shyness disappeared in her inner circle within 2 weeks. IE: Me, Jerrad, whatever dogs were here, our usual walking spaces, the daycare, any place that didn't have a big crowd. Marla, Toast's new mum reports she's getting better everyday with the 'scary outside world'. As much as I'd hoped she'd do a Honey, I still love knowing that Toast is doing awesome. So far from the fearful biting alligator pup she used to be.

Although Xena was a bit of a shy dog, I would call her more of a hesitant, slightly aloof dog. IE: Sheppard. Her interest in people wasn't very high, so its hard to call her a shy dog -at some point I'll write a blog about shy versus aloof, but that's for another time.


I've also signed myself up for one of Darla's puppies -before my brain could tell my fingers to stop. I'm very excited, and a wee bit terrified to have a little bitty puppy staying with me for a little while, but with all the adult dogs around, little Pixel (the name I've picked out) should basically be getting mini-TG combined with city skills and adventures. I might be napping a lot instead of full-out sleeping, but I'll manage :)

I had orginally hoped to foster Mozart, the big newfie, but it wasn't in the cards, which is expected in rescue. Here's hoping he's going to find an awesome family with a great big cushion to sleep on! Get well soon big guy!
Graelee will also be coming to the island this run! I did an awesome home-check in James Bay with two awesome people. They will trial her for one week just to be sure, but have me as a back-up foster mum if need be. She was originally going to come to me for fostering anyway, but having met these people and seeing their excitement, I'm pretty darn sure they're going to meet her at the bus run and never turn back. Besides, how could you say no to that face!

And sometimes I think Yvette is a mastermind of time. (Organizing hundreds of bus runs must be her practice). She has sneakily sent me a dog with an application who will need a week or two of confidence building, and a teeny puppy that will go quickly as well. Is it just me, or is she making sure I can do another dog or two in the 3ish weeks until the reunion on the island :P


Lisa B said...

Evee reminds me of the Simpson's dog...Santa's Little Helper's_Little_Helper&h=279&w=220&sz=35&tbnid=P3XfUe2QPWMx1M:&tbnh=91&tbnw=72&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsanta's%2Blittle%2Bhelper%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=santa's+little+helper&docid=921YS-WDx9SMcM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=VG9ETvW1CMLSiALe9aDZAQ&ved=0CDAQ9QEwAQ&dur=1015

Emily said...

That she does! Never even crossed my mind, but you're 100% right. Actually, one of her brothers in Taiwan looks even MORE like Santa's little helper, with both of the ears and the straighter tail :P And to think I could have had a movie star if they ever wanted to make a live actions Simpsons movie!