I could blab on and on like usual, but since I have a tendency of going on and on, I'll let the videos state the obvious: Trunk is coming along AMAZINGLY!
Soon we'll expand out into working in the real world. But for now, some more videos :)
And a little one of Dayo -cause he's just SO cute!
What the videos don't show:
- She's got a waggy-tail whenever Jerrad comes home. I'm slowly getting a waggy-tail too.
- Her tail is almost never between her legs anymore.
- She's hanging out 90% of the time wherever we are -especially where Jerrad is. (Jerrad's very glad there's finally a foster that likes him better than me :P)
- She's starting to initiate play with Beckett
Trunk's only main downside so far is that she isn't comfortable relieving herself in front of us. Today we had success of both pee and poo outside though, so hopefully no more clean ups!
And a few pictures :)
Now that Trunk's face is more relaxed, I think she looks a little bit like a Husky, Sharpei Mix ---Buster had a similiar funny tail! What mix of dog do you guys think Trunk is?
Trunk and Beckett hanging.
I'm definitely seeing the Pei! Are you related to Buster somewhere down the line?
Hanging with her Foster Bro
Oh, and one of Dayo!
In other news, a new Taiwanese foster has landed :) Meet "Ren". She looks like a little fox, but might be a little bit smaller than one. If only she had the long fluffy tail she'd be set!
Like my TG Fosters, I enjoy fostering the Taiwanese dogs as they live in big groups at the TUAPA shelter and have excellent dog-to-dog skills.
Described as a bit of a dominant personality, Ren walked into daycare liked she'd always been (which, living 24/7 in a cell with 20-30 dogs, it must have felt like home!) She's quiet, petite, greets people with a wagging tail, and loves her crate.
Bonus is that Beckett found her SO sexy he MARKED her! I've only seen him mark two other dogs in the years I've had him -one being a jerk to a unneutered dog who was being a jerk to him first, and second to a young female he also had the hots for-. The sexy ears couldn't have gotten any bigger.
More on Ren later!
1 comment:
im sure im not the only one who thinks that Beckett and Trunk look like they are Dayo's parents. Alas, they have no relations.
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