Well, every single battery in the whole house seems to be out of power, so no pictures until I suck it up and buy batteries (they're so frigging expensive, and they don't last very long at all! And even the rechargeables I got the last time lasted maybe two months before the 4 of them went kaput.)
Ren is back -with the husband called to duty in Kuwait, there is no one to give a lunchtime peebreak!, but she has a homecheck tonight with relatives of the first applicant. She won the inlaws over! Homecheck tonight to make sure. For such a cute, easy-going dog, she sure has been sitting around here awhile.
Chula and Antoinette are doing well too, although this morning I accidently bumped Chula with my foot and she's been going around all day like I'm going to beat her. Luckily its not bad enough that she's stopped cuddling -there'd be something wrong with her then!
Beckett got in a fight with a slug the other day. Wandered into some bushes, and up the trail a bit I here rustling. My first thought was "Oh shit, cougar", but then I realized Beckett wasn't in his usual heel right beside me, so I doubled back for him.
He'd almost fallen into a creek, and when I grabbed him I found out why. For whatever stupid reason a slug thought Beckett had picked a fight with him, and was gummed up over his eye. His OPEN eye. And Beckett was being an absolute pansy about it all.
"Oh you sissy, I'll get it" -but that slug was not wanting to come off, and it was just oozing more and more of whatever it is that slugs ooze. Well, its a good thing I have pet insurance I guess.
So I had to carry Mr. Freakout home. We tried walking for a bit but he just kept clawing at his mangled face. So I walked the 3-4km home with my 50 pound sled dog in my arms. We live in a pretty quiet area, and it was work hours, so I think I passed maybe 5 seniors who looked at me as if they were hallucinating.
On the bright side, I got Beckett home, hosed his eye, and got the slug off, and threw him over the fence -less he try it again in the yard. Beckett was very thankful his momma beat that slug. What a big, tough sled dog!
In other news, TG dogs soon (maybe), and boy do I need somebody to work with things on. Chihuahuas aren't Emily dogs. Even Ren isn't an Emily dog. Too easy! I like a good challenge.
And with all this time on my hands, I've been having a small daydream of heading up to TG sometime (when it isn't -40), and trying to help out more, and I'm sure some seriously messed up and lovely writing could come out of that experience. I'm sure I would mostly get in the way though, so that's usually the end of the daydream!
----oh, and the usual. Saying no to lots of California dogs, huskies, and $50 Chihuahuas.
Alright, now I've convinced myself to get the darn batteries. These blogs just aren't very interesting without them!
Try to enjoy the lull. You only get so many of them. p.s. I like how you now consider it down time when you only have 3 or 4? dogs. Too funny....next you'll be writing that "I'm down to 10 dogs and I'm so bored...its too quiet around here" ha ha
Haha, I really should hey. Seems like I just say "Oh its calm" and something decide to not make it so :P. IE: Ren (my non-TG foster) flew the coup from her foster-to-adopt family only hours after I dropped her off. (Oh, and 6 is the limit ;) --but two of those have to be paying customers!)
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