Saturday, June 9, 2012

Migo Update


I just wanted to give you an update on Migo.  He is doing well and seems quite happy.  His appetite is strong and he has gained a couple pounds.  The first week he didn't eat very consistently, but now he cleans his bowl in one sitting.  I will try to get a picture with both of us one day.
We have done two training sessions together and I am impressed with how well behaved he is.  He sits, downs (didn't know he could do that until we tried it), jumps and weaves obstacles, and only pulls on the leash a little bit to sniff.  We've gone on hikes and bike rides.  He LOVES running through the woods, don't worry, he comes when I call him too!
He only goes in the crate at night to sleep and he spends the days at work with me where everyone likes him.

Oh and we have run into another Ocean Dog Formosan at the dog park a couple times, they play well together.

Thanks and take care!

Sounds like my little hooligan has grown up! Way to go Migo and his Dad George.

Updates always make me smile. I might not be able to save them all, but the ones that come here get amazing homes in the end. And that, I -and the dogs- are grateful for :)

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