Friday, June 29, 2012

The Importance of Naptime!

Babies are cutest.... when they are asleep! And just like with little babies, puppies can get overtired and grouchy and whiny. Suddenly they aren't quite as cute ;) It is important for them to be well-rested, and to start with small intervals being apart from 'their people'.

Now that they've settled in to a routine, and started daycare, they are starting to have some well laid out crated 'naptimes'. They are up and at it for 7:00am and go out to potty, then eat, and play like crazy monkeys until about 11:00 when you can tell they are going to get grouchy soon. Step in naptime! 11:30-1:30 is sleepy time away from mum. Although they put up a little fuss -hey, I want to sleep beside YOU! they settle down quickly and by 11:40 are usually out for the count. The naptime is actually doing triple duty.

1) They are getting enough rest that babies need
2) They are getting some extra crate training that will serve them in their new homes ---even someone who is home all day really wants their dog to handle an hour or two by themselves.
3) Nipping any potential seperation anxiety in the butt. For it to become normal that they don't need to be in my presence to feel safe.

We follow the same morning protocol in the afternoon. Out to do your business at 1:30, back in for a quick lunch, and then either to daycare on the days I am working, or out for a walk and some sociliasing with people on the days I'm not. After the walk, a bit of playtime, then another hour break. If they zonk out on the floor or couch, I don't bother moving them, but if they start to get a little cranky, it's off for a late afternoon nap. Routine works! After two days of nap-time, it gets about 11:20 and they are looking at me like 'hmmm... I think it's naptime now!'. Barley even ran in an open crate today at 11:15. Smart girl!

They are coming along well with meeting people -they actively want to engage with new people now, which is good-, and Barley is no longer frightened of most big dogs. Today she's been tailing Jersey, my Great Dane client around. She's a total dog's dog. People smeople, she wants to be where the dogs are.

Buckwheat is still a little barky britches when it comes to meeting new big dogs, although did really well with Jersey. There is being nervous for good reason, and there is throwing a hissy fit cause another dog dared look at you. He's getting there though! He'll just need some minimal confidence building in his introductions to big dogs. He's a BABY though. Through guided exposure he'll be just fine.

No pictures today. My camera doesn't take good enough quality pics of running, playing puppies :S. Hopefully I'll get a few decent ones over the weekend though!

I'm kind of waiting for a flood of applications. I mean, who wouldn't apply for them!

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