Friday, November 30, 2012

Anyone Willing to Hang with Beckett for the Holidays?

Original plans for Christmas look like they are falling through for Beckett, as my friend and co-worker is getting calls for Christmas boarding out the wazoo. I hate to tie up a money-yielding spot for her -especially as all of us in the pet care industry aren't exactly well off- (it's a somewhat sad fact our dogs are treated better than we treat ourselves!), so I'm putting it out there for any Victoria - Duncan people who wouldn't mind having a semi-senior hang out with them for two weeks.

Care Needed: December 16-30th
8+ year old Husky mix (50 pounds)


Overly dog social, fine with cats, gets about an hour of solid exercise a day but could romp around a yard for a few weeks without issue. Decent recall, but he's a husky so if he gets out of sight he'll play the 'I can't hear you' card. He can walk into things by times (visually impaired). Mostly just hangs out on his dog bed throughout the day -he's a lazy couch potato inside-. Housetrained, fine left alone for 6-8 hours. EXCELLENT with children. He would be an excellent dog for anyone who is looking to give their kids a dog experience over the holidays without actually adopting a dog.

I can find about $100 for his boarding, but hadn't alloted for the full expense of good quality boarding in the Christmas budget. Jinks has a boarding spot and Lemon is staying with a friend.

Hoping he can find a home environment so I don't have to go find a kennel for him. Feel free to leave me a message.

Beckett + Emily


Unknown said...

hi emily, i can check with my daughter, who is living in victoria, but i know she will be traveling back to port alberni for some of that time frame, would you be ok with that. We have met, we adopted myla (martha) through turtle gardens/vic adoptables and you delivered her to us in port alberni. My daughter is a huge dog lover and since moving to victoria is going crazy missing our two dogs at home. Let me know if this would even work with you and i can ask her. Thanks :)

Emily said...

That might work. I've had one other possibility too, though have to wait to confirm. Can I let you know by Tuesday? I wouldn't want you to contact her to set something up and then have it figured out already.

Beckett's a pretty chill older guy, he goes with the flow pretty good so I wouldn't suspect travelling to be hard on him. He is used to living with other dogs though, so he might be kind of fidgety being an only dog for a bit. Thank you for the potential help! It means a lot!

Unknown said...

Hi emily, i have bad news :( My daughter is moving into a new place mid december and they are not allowed animals...i am so very sorry, i wish i lived closer! Sorry again

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily wish i could help you with Beckett' its not possible for me Reese is in Quarantine' And wish i was closer 'Congrats on your lovley new baby girl Jinks 'she is a treasure' and smart''!! best wishes hoping it all works out for you Polly b