Saturday, November 24, 2012

Everybody's Happy Tonight

All chilled out with the three full-timers, and the two Taiwanese guys. Suzie, Beckett and Lemon are camped out on the dog bed, Suzie chewing on her new-found nylabone with gusto. After weeks here, tonight she had an epiphany about toys and has been going a little loonie about them. It's funny to see Jinks roll her eyes at Suzie. "Dur," Jinks says, "That's what they are stoooopid. You play with them!"

Urchin is curled up on the end of the couch with his own nylabone happy as a clam. He is really an excellent puppy. For six months he is nice and calm for the most part, easily redirected from mischief, and super cuddly. He doesn't mind hanging out for five or six hours at home with his chewie in his crate, and is fantastic with minimal exercise. He's a real gem for anyone who will put a bit of work into making the real world not quite so scary.

I posted him for adoption early today, and within 40 minutes I got an application in! It looks pretty good for him too. I'm waiting for confirmation from Ocean Dog Rescue so I can schedule a homecheck. We shall see.

I'm off early tomorrow for some dentistry in Vancouver tomorrow, but Suzie's potential new family is coming to meet her tomorrow and hopefully adopt her. I have to admit, I will be happy either way. If I get home and she's gone I know she's gone home. If she's still here when I get home, I'll be happy to see her silly little face.

For now, it's time for bed for baby Jinks. She's pretty good about chewing her bone thoroughly in the evenings but had decided instead of just chewing on it, she will throw it up in the air and try to catch it. Ahh... baby border collies. She is lovely though. Couldn't of asked for a better girl. Lots to work on.

Good night all. Snuggle your pups for me :)

1 comment:

Piper said...

Just sitting here on the couch snuggling our Baldwin Park, CA chihuahua rescue pup ;) She's buried under the usual :)

I'm not surprised Urchin had a quick response...He is so cute.
And good luck to Suzie tomorrow! Fingers crossed for her!

Jinks must be a little sponge for learning new things! Can't wait to see more pictures of her :)