I'm been suckered-punched a few times this week, but suprisingly, I'm feeling rather good about it all. In a weird sort of way, I'm feeling energized. I think this partially has to do with the biggest up of this adventure I've been on.
I've Foster-Failed. Aster -now Lemon- is staying. At this point, I've completely decided. Even with the potential that I might not be able to foster here anymore, she's pretty much family. She makes me laugh my butt off every single day. She is outgoing, super quirky, doesn't have a mean bone in her. She's cuddly, but not needy. She's good left alone, and she's awesome at daycare. Plus, she likes to sing to the fire trucks as they go by, which would be kind of annoying on some dogs, but with her, I just can't stop laughing about it.
She's small enough that I don't worry about having to find a new place with her -even with the fact staring me in the face that I might have to move sooner than I thought if I want to keep boarding (I'm still adamant about finding a way to foster/board and have my two dogs).
But what sold the deal on Lemon was Beckett.
I hadn't really thought about keeping her as she's quite small, but with having just her and Beckett around for 3 days -Diesel has been crated whenever someone can't keep a good eye on him, as he was marking-, they played like loonies. They slept together, they get in little husky-like conversations with each other. Not only does Lemon initiate play, but Beckett will follow her around and initiate play with her too. They're in love. When other dogs are around they have their own friends, but, if it comes down to it -and it might sooner than I ever thought- to where I can only have two, they love each other enough that having extra friends over won't be an issue.
So, horny-little-house-guest will almost certainly become permenant. I just have to seal with deal with the landlords, which, considering they've been after us to get a permenant second dog for awhile, I don't think will be hard. But, at the same time, nothing seems to be easy here anymore. So, I won't party quite yet, but 95% sure Aster (Lemon) is staying.
Some pics of Lemon and her most-likely new fmaily.
Couple of Nuts!
Refusing to Look at the Camera
Lemon hanging out with Jerrad
Talking to Each Other
My Fur-Kids
And as for the downs.
After the moments of pity-party, I quite suddenly realize I'm a big girl, wearing big girl panties, I'm well-versed, I can write a mean letter, and when I set my mind to something, its going to get accomplished. Am I not incapable. I can be a force to be reckoned with. I might not get through this with rainbows and butterflies, but I will get through this. And, if it comes to it, I clean up good!
On a completely different note, Jean reminded me there are a ton of rescues/people that have over the limit and are never reported. I'm very thankful for all the great neighbours they must have! Despite a nasty neighbour here and there --Cheryl (Suhki's mum) has complaints about the height of her bamboo even!--, its reassuring to know most people are helpful.
I've sorted most things out on the dog front. Hank -now Duke- is being adopted this afternoon! They're coming over to seal the deal in an hour or two. In a weird twist of fate, Hank met up with Suhki at the pet store, and Suhki was all over him like a dirty rug. I love little details of fosters meeting up again. Its amazing that they make such good bonds while in foster care. Not a single one whose come back here for even a quick visit hasn't been excited out of their mind. That makes it obvious to myself that I'm doing a good job with them. And that is its own reward.
Jerrad has taken Diesel over to Van to spend the week with Becky, and then he'll head back up to TG. I think Diesel will miss us. When there's only 3 dogs around, he's super content. He follows us everywhere, always wanting attention, always looking for direction. Very needy fellow, but very loyal.
He was quite upset Beckett never did play with him:
Be good Diesel! You might need some more time to get comfortable in your skin, but you're going to make someone a very loyal dog :).
I'm also greatful for my great support system.
I've had great support from Sarah, who, if it comes to it, will take Beckett on for a few weeks, or possibly one of the Chis from Cali. The last resort is kicking my own dog out of the house, but I have a commitment to the 3 coming up, so if I can't find a solution for them, it might come to that. It doesn't hurt that Beckett is pretty much the easiest going dog. When I go away there are usually fights about who gets to take him.
Cheryl and Peter, Suhki's people, have been great too, offering to take Lemon on for me for a couple of weeks. Her and Suhki are best buds, and it'll give them the chance to see if they'd like to either foster down the road, or find Suhki a companion! The hardest part about adopting her is what it means for the incoming dogs. NO ROOM! So, this way, if I need to, I can keep sort of have the Lemon and eat it too!
I've contacted a couple of the rescues I work with about having someone to foster Kaiser, as he's sponsored to come up. I'll kick Beckett (or Lemon) out of the house to have him if need be, but I'd really rather not kick my own dogs out!! So far I've only heard back from one -and that rescue doesn't have any for him as they've just saved a ton of dogs I guess-. Oh well, today its a good thing I've fostered for a couple of different places!
This is Kaiser's link and video:
If anyone might know of any leads to find him a foster home, give me a shout. He's welcome to go to any rescue that will take him on and is neutered and healthy. He might be finishing the tail-end of kennel-cough. He's tested well with other dogs. I picked him out of hundreds of dogs at the shelter, and although I'm kicking myself in the arse for ever rescuing on my own, I'm still glad he wasn't put down. He's already had one miracle, but is looking for another. Does anyone have room for a sociable, good-looking boy? I can most likely supply food at least.
And as for CRD, I've sent an e-mail, so hopefully I will hear back soon. Tuesday I go and talk to them in person. And then we go from there I guess. I haven't had a foster stay for more than a month, so my fingers are crossed that I can somehow continue to have 4 dogs at my residence, as long as only two of them are permenant.
Most people who know me say I follow a straight and narrow road in life. I am unflinching when I am passionate. But sometimes what they don't understand is that to follow the straight and narrow road, you have to bulldoze your way through a lot of mountains.
Will keep you posted.