I've dialed into my 'I'm just going to get through this' side. Panicing isn't going to help much -granted, underneath this self-imposed resolution, I'm sure I'm still panicky. Oh well, don't let them see you sweat right! Move forward!!
So Diesel. Take Hank out of the picture, and he's a great dog -minus trying to mark my house! He's fine with Beckett, he tries to play with Aster, he was completely fine with me bringing Willie (Evee's brother BTW) in. Greets him very politely, even gives him a little play bow to get the shy guy more comfortable. He walks well, he wants to play with you, he likes to lie by Jerrad's feet and watch him play video games.
And then Hank. Take him to daycare and he's solid with everyone -even the idiot male Airedale who thinks he's king of the daycare. BTW: Who the heck thought of the bright idea to put a terrier in a big dog body! Hank gives appropriate warning, he's fairly tolerating, he's playful, and at times he's even submissive to other big male dogs. Quite hontestly, he's a joy to have at daycare (except that he keeps peeing in areas that are hard to clean!)
So what the hell is the problem with these two!!! They're both great dogs, but the instant they even sense each other, all war tries to break loose. Jerrad's on mission keep Diesel out of the house and keep him exhausted with exercise. My fantastic friend and co-worker is taking Hank for the night to her house with a bunch of bitchy female dogs that will fawn over Mr. Handsome. Its a temporary solution, but I'm thankful for my support system. To Jerrad who puts up with much more than he probably should have to dog-wise, and for still sticking with it, and to my friends who lend a hand to my fosters where they can.
So, its not necessarily a brighter day in terms of behaviour, but its gotten a whole lot more manageable. The hardest part: how the heck would I explain a big ass fight to my landlords and have them still thinking fostering is a good idea.
Memo to self: learn to say no. Why the heck is it so hard to say no? I say no to California dogs nearly every single day now -the number of yesses far, far outweighs the number of negatives at this point-, but when it comes to TG, I find myself jumping in too often. Maybe part of me aspires to be as amazing as Yvette and Dave who run the rescue, but whose kidding who, I will never be as amazing as Yvette. Yvette makes me believe there must be some sort of higher power, cause I don't know how a person like her would be created without one! I want to help them as much as I can. But this, this particular situation isn't helping anybody!
But if I know TG, the support system always finds a way. I'm looking into a few kennels just in case for Diesel, as he needs to be gone before Saturday night or I think we'll all go nuts. But you never know, Jerrad might decide to go camping with Diesel for a few days or something like that.
Either way, I'm still waving that white flag, I'm just being more collected about it. In reconstructing behaviour, we ask a dog's mind to move forward. And right now, that's what I'm asking of myself.
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