Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tug-for-Rescue -A Way to CHEAPLY get Involved

As many of you are I'm sure aware, I am definitely not made of money. So when I lost my ability to foster, it drove me absolutely nuts that I didn't really have another way to help TG out. Fostering is a great way to help out, without spending money. Actually, its a hobby that saves you money, because instead of thinking 'oh hey, we should go out, we should do this, do that, and this other thing', you are home helping a dog become the best they can be. (Of course you can still have a bit of a life ;)).

But, if you can't foster, and you're like myself and definitely not made of money, here's a way that you can help TG http://www.turtlegardens.org/ over the Christmas holidays.

We're making TUG-TOYS

K9HQ Doggy Daycare, where I work, has generously put the word out that we're making tug toys for rescue this year, (a 'what if' idea of mine) with proceeds going to Turtle Gardens and Ocean Dog rescue. The way me make tug-toys is cheap (if you have old blankets laying around, you've got all that you need!) They're 100% fabric so they don't have any pieces that can get stuck in a dog's mouth, and are completely washable. Best part is, if they start to fall apart, you unbraid them, and re-braid them again. And playful dog LOVES these things.

Fosters who've loved them include: Tucker, May, Honey, Toast, Xena, Evee, Dayo, Trunk, Chula, Antoinette, Hank and Lemon (Which is 13/17 for the record!)

Evee with her Tuggie.

We've sent the e-mails out looking for people to braid tug-toys, to scout out locations to sell the tug-toys, and for donations of fabric. As of right now, we're staring on the Island, but if anyone would like to co-ordinate a "Tug-for-Rescue" on the Mainland, please do. Tuggie-ing is EASY. The ones above are simply braided, like one would do their children's hair. We will be putting together videos in the next few days, of how to do more complicated tug-toys.

You can Tuggie on your own, with a group, over wine, while you dine. You can tuggie in the dark, on an arc, while you fart, it's no complicated art. You can Tuggie while watching TV, its that easy, and you'll be doing it all for rescue, cause Yvette's got a zoo, which costs a lot to feed, and those doggies are in need. Won't you Tuggie??  

This is what we need:
 (and anyone who wants to head up their own Tug-for-Rescue will need)

 a.. Donations of fleece (old blankets) or Hemp or Cotton cording
  b.. Business locations for drop off of donations, supplies, and completed Tuggies. Think pet stores, vet offices, get creative! I bet someone could get something up and running on EBAY. They're motivational toys, dog sports people might be in on that.
  c.. PEOPLE  to braid lots of Tuggies (two per person would be great - any more -
amazing). PS: If you pre-cut your fabric, you can do about 3-5 in the span of watching a movie!
  d.. Word of mouth to get it all happening.  Please share with Family, Friends,
Coworkers, Neighbors, Associations, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and to your
email contacts. Awesome Brownie or Scout project. Or for teachers who want their students to give back to the community. Invite a TG dog to the classroom to get even more interactive!

We can and will supply video clips of step by step instructions on how to make a Tuggy (coming soon).  The strongest & best looking seems to be the square or box braid which many of us
learned in school.  We will keep it simple to the standard 2ft finished length with or without a handle.  For those who catch on and like these sorts of things, the dog bone in a 1ft length.

The Fancy-Smancy Tug-Toy! I will hopefully make one of these :)

We're thinking about holding a 'Tuggie-Thon' as well, with a bunch of people together on a weekend for a few hours to make a whole bunch of tug-toys. I myself am thinking about doing a Harry-Potter, Tug-Toy combined marathon for a weekend at my place. Got a birthday party coming up for some kids. Get them to make a Tuggie each! Great craft time, and everybody's is unique!
We will get videos up shortly to demo how to 'tuggie'. Its simpler than knitting, and after you've cut your fabric, the best thing is you can watch your favourite shows and still do it!!
Please, please, pass this along to everyone you know. We're hoping to do $5 for regular braided tuggies, and possibly $8 for fancier ones. $10 for those crazy "bone-shaped" ones. Any crafty people are welcome to try on their own designs. Each and every tuggie is just a little bit different, so buyers will have multitudes of colors, designs, and thicknesses to choose. And if you're just too partial to a tuggie, go ahead, keep it -but make another one for a rescue in need.
Best regards,


Anonymous said...

I would like to make some tug toys for a craft fair w/ donations to TG. I get the braiding part but how to tie off the ends (I like the bone shaped one too) Have looked for vid instructions but might be looking in the wrong place...thanks D

Emily said...

Hi, I'm going to update with a video or two tonight, if I can get them up and running, but I think they're for a basket weave tug that we couldn't find big pics of. For a basic braid, you should be able to knot the ends easily and leave a few pieces dangling like in the picture. I usually double knot those ones. Depending on length, you can throw an extra knot in the middle like the green/blue/white one. PS: I'm not sure how to make that bone one! Three of us have been trying for awhile now :P. If you figure it out, let us know!