Suffice to say, I fell in love with another picture/video, but know I'm not in any position to do anything until everyone is officially adopted (I'm heading to a homecheck with Adam in 20 minutes -hooray!). I'm going to try really hard not to take any more of my 'technical own' on as once I can foster 'fur sure' I want to get back to TG!!!!! (Funnily enough, I think the fact that he reminded me of White Spot is what sold me!) Anyway posting Casper on my facebook, the video tore into a few of us, and we decided to pitch in to save Casper.
Casper's a 6 year old deaf, albino mutt. He's ridiculously good-looking, (to us anyway) and the fact that's he's six and deaf did not mean very good things in general. 6 might not be old to you or me, but in a high-kill shelter, let me tell you, six is OLD. But not old enough to get senior pity!
Unfortunately, as I was making arrangements to pull him -many thanks to Piper for her amazing offer to help bring him up! (Okay, not so much offer and request accepted ;) -I'm pushy, what can I say), someone phoned into the shelter to say that Casper's people had surrended him as he has TERMINAL CANCER. Terminal freaking CANCER. They dumped their dog that has days/weeks, maybe a month to live, and couldn't do him the curtosy of paying his fee to be put down in their arms. $100 or so. Could not pay the bloody minimal dollars to have their boy die warm in their arms and loved. NOOOOOO, they had to dump him. Make his final days more painful than they already are. Why not just whack him with a shovel and do him the curtosy of not suffering in his final moments. (okay, that might be a bit extreme)
I know it happens all the time, that senior dogs get dumped, that 'problem' dogs get dumped, but for the love of pete, if you know your dog only has death knocking on the door, you DO NOT dump them (especially without informing potential people that he has terminal cancer!)
Anyway, I rant -I apologize, I said I wouldn't. Unfortunately I can't do anything for poor Casper. He's in no condition to travel over the border, and its doubtful anyone will take on a dog that's at death's door. So, I write this post in honour of Casper.
Please, if you can take a moment, watch Casper's video, and think of your own dogs, and promise, please promise, you will never dump them because they are sick.
Tonight I hug my dogs close -even Adam, who has grown a small obsession with barking at his reflection and is slowly driving me a little nutty-, and promise them, this relationship is until death do us part, no matter how hard that might be.
Dear Casper, even if it was over a thousand miles away, you were loved.
I am frequently disgusted by the number of people who dump senior dogs or very ill dogs at shelters, too lazy or unfeeling or irresponsible to keep them for their last months or days, and too cowardly to hold them in their arms while the vet helps them pass.
I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that as a society we have to do something to change this attitude that dogs are disposable.
I am certain everyone who reads this will want to rant as loud or louder than you.
I get SO SICK and tired of hearing what cold hearted humans are still out there.
I want to believe someone near to him will hold Casper tight and whisper "You are loved!" before he travels over Rainbow bridge.
My heart aches today.
What cruelty. I had my 10-year old blind dog, Smokie, euthanized this past summer. She lost her sight 3 years ago, and was diagnosed with abdominal cancer about 5 months before her passing. I cared for her the best I could in her final months. There was NO WAY that I could ever abandon her the way this dog's family did. Even though I sometimes could barely afford to by food for myself, she always got what she needed. SHAME ON THESE PEOPLE.
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