Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A New Adventure!

Well, it's official. And, to me it's very exciting!

Starting in September, I will be starting course work to become a Dog Trainer
For more general information it can be found here:

The course is positive based, and is focused on a 'hands off' type approach where the least amount of negative physical contact is made. It's pressure based too, which is similiar to what we use in the daycare -but sounds more focused from my questioning of trainer Julie Carter when I went to visit her to ask her at least a hundred questions to see if this was the course for me. For six weeks, I will be learning everything from how to temperment test puppies and adult shelter dogs, to doing private lessons, to teaching full obedience classes with large groups.

I'm sure I will learn a ton, grow as a person and see dogs on a whole new level. I will also get to learn a few different dog sports, including agility which I was going to do with Lemon this upcoming year anyway!

My first day's work will be visiting multiple different litters of puppies to temperment test puppies, health test puppies, and overall, how to pick the puppy for myself, or a client. Oh boy! I can barely make it through the SPCA without wanting to take someone home with me, how am I going to make it through different litters of puppies. Better not be any border collie puppies I'm going to be shown! Jerrad is on red alert that he is to provide plenty of chocolate when I get home from that day.

No fosters on the horizon for a few weeks, but that's okay. Daisy (previously Honey) and her housemate Hani are hanging with us while their parents are in Europe, so it's not an empty house.

To a new adventure!

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