Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ducks in a Row

Okay, there's still one tidbit left to fill in, but some very exciting news.

Dec 15th we move to a farm! And despite needing to put up fencing (anyone have some ideas where to go look for cheap fencing??), we'll be fostering, boarding, and generally be dog-people again by Christmas!!!

Now, this doesn't mean any of you rescue heads get to send me dozens of dogs okay.

We sign the lease early next week.
But for curious minds, this will be our new digs:,+Victoria,+BC&hl=en&ll=48.527412,-123.441518&spn=0.000863,0.002328&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=27.424382,76.289063&vpsrc=6&hnear=244+Hartland+Ave,+Victoria,+British+Columbia+V9E+1L7&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=48.527412,-123.441518&panoid=jZmYu_ELofOSPYeTgibgPQ&cbp=12,11.83,,0,7.11

And no, it will not be named the foster farm, the funny farm, or the Doog (dude/dog) Ranch, although it might resemble those things.

So, although I'll be out of fostering commission until Christmas time, I will be back -and with land that # of dogs (under 10 at least) will never be an issue.

I like to think the world tries to balance the good and bad. At this point, I think I better pony up and do some more good for this one to balance out in the end!

4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 acres, at a very, very good price. Whatever is watching, thanks!

Oh, and cause I haven't yet written a blog of Lemon being an official member of the Looney Tunes ---I mean our family!!!--- here's one of my two TG alumni.

They remind me of the song "I wanna be like you" from the Jungle Book. Lemon tries to do everything Beckett does, including MARKING on the trials. Same ears, same tail, same posture. Except one is a sled-dog with tall legs, and one is a 14 pound lap dog. But they're meant for each other ;)


Barb said...

Glad to hear you'll be back for TG. I adopted one of the 'cold pups' this year and have really been enjoying your blog. The farm looks great.

camkid said...

Woohoo! I'm so excited; looks like Silky and I will come and check out your new digs one of these days! I'm so excited for you Emily for Jerrad and for your current cuddlebugs and the fosters in the future.

You might want to check out schools, businesses etc that are putting up new fencing; maybe they will donate the old fencing if it's still useable?

Brigid said...

Wow - that's wonderful! What a joy to know you can be surrounded by furkids again. We'll look forward to more doggy-blogs...poniond

Del & Mark said...

Paula's right Emily also try the local Dept of Hwy's. They sometimes know all the places that are trying to dispose of used fencing. HUGE Congrats on your property. It looks like an awsome place! Beckett and Lemon totally look like they are soul siblings!
Hugs & Tail wags from The Royals

Anonymous said...

Woooo!! Very good news!