I have no idea how this works, as many of my co-workers have between 5-9 dogs at most times, but for now I'm at a complete stand-still. Luckily Hank has gone to his possible home, and has back-up with Sarah if we need it. Diesel is leaving tomorrow. Willie (a short-term foster while his usual foster is on vacation) will be gone Friday, and I don't have any board bookings yet.
My main concern is with my CA dogs. Kaiser, Kane and Lady are coming up in the next week or two. Either Kane or Lady will be fostering with my co-worker Allie, but that leaves two extras that I have no back-up for. I'm not too worried about taking the small one on, but I've saved Kaiser, I've paid for him with my birthday money from my family, and now I'm worried sick that he has no where to go once he hits Canada! I'm not a cryer, but I'm so overwhelmed. Not only with fosters, but although I don't do a lot of boarding, it does help a significant part of the rent!
I'm desperately hoping someone knows more than I do. Apparently you can have only 4 dogs on property (I was under the assumption that was four of your own dogs!). Apparently its per household too, so we have to count Sam + Sophie from upstairs.
I finally find the second dog I want, and to have her it seems I need to give up having any board dogs, and/or fosters -or at least until we finish off this lease. And I REALLY like my place. I don't want to leave my place.
F. That's all I have to say at this point. Just F. If they were noisy, I'd understand. If I knew what the problem was, I'd try to fix it. If they were rude to people, I'd understand. We live in a little cul-de-sac with a swamp on one side and a big wooded mountain on the other. There's noisy dogs all around us -I KNOW cause I'm at home most of the day when I hear them howling-. I have not complained once. I have not complained about one of the neighbour's stupid little dogs that keeps charging my dogs when we walk by their place. I have not complained about neighbour kids who are ALWAYS running around the cul-de-sac, nearly getting run into with cars. I do not complain about the one neighbour's dog near the end of the street that usually goes for walks with me when he's left outside unattended. There have been numerous times where I've had to toss him back in his own backyard or he'd try to come home with me!
What do I do? Most specifically with Kaiser the pittieX. Oh what the heck do I do? It seems I'm going to have to give up Aster to fufill my commitments to Kaiser, and if I have to, that's what I'll do I guess.
Just overwhelmed -and just when things got all worked out.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I need go take a long shower and pretend none of this is happening.
SO sorry to hear about this - I've been enjoying your blogs, and admiring what you're up to with a variety of dogs. Heartbreaking to be pulled up short like this...
Emily, breathe deeply - things have a way of working out the way they are supposed to. Have some back-up plans in place - option A, B and C - and it will work out.
Like you, I also know of people who have way over the limit for the municipality in which they live. In fact, I know animal rescues/sanctuaries that are violating all sorts of bylaws in their areas. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, for many rescues), bylaws are complaint driven, and if no one complains then the animals are fine. Once a complaint is filed, the bylaw officer has to follow up on it, and that's when there are problems.
I know of many dogs and piggies who have lost their homes because a nasty neighbour filed a complaint.
Some municipalities count the number of dogs by family, some by property (ie all tenants on one city lot); some include fosters or boarders, some do not. Most allow for a visiting dog to put you over the limit for up to two weeks. Most bylaws that I have seen don't specifically say anything about foster dogs or dogs being looked after for friends (though they do state numbers for boarding kennels and hobby kennels). Landlord contracts should specifically spell out how many dogs the landlord will allow, if it is fewer than those allowed by the bylaws.
Emily, I'm so sorry to hear about you troubles with the neighbours complaints. I hope that things will work out. You've been amazing for both TG and the other rescues you're working with.
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