Friday, October 19, 2012


It's cold and rainy and we're waiting for the two Taiwanese pups to come in since they're plane was delayed by a lot and the transport got all weird. Lucky us, they'll find someone to bring them to us! Apparently they're both in very good spirits, and even somewhat shy Kahlua is being nice and friendly and loving grass!

So, in other news, on Monday I finished my Dog Training course, and on October 27th I'll be starting my practice class on many of my old fosters, and a couple of faces I haven't seen before.

Faces include: Tegan (TG Alum), Chula (a foster of mine who is from California), Dickory (TG Alum and previous foster), Luma (TG Alum and previous foster), Jocko (previously Koko, TG Alum) and Carlin -a TG dog fostered in Victoria who is looking for his new home. Also, Carlin is Tegan's littermate! I will definitely have to get a group photo once we're all graduated. It'll basically be a bit of a TG reunion minus one Californian Chihuahua!

For now, here's mine and Lemon's graduation photo. It was raining up a storm and we were all sporting the 'wind-blown' hair look. Also, wearing three sweaters for heat doesn't exactly make a pretty picture, but it's not too bad all things considered :)

I still have a lot to learn and a ways to go, but after doing a couple more group practice sessions I'll be raring to go on the group obedience courses and private obedience courses, with privates on dealing with most anything you can think of except strong aggression -which I have the basis of, but I believe if you're dealing with high-end aggression where a dog has broken skin before you owe it to your dog to find someone who specializes in that department.

PS: Lemon is really glad she doesn't have to go to training class throughout the day anymore. She has a habit of giving me 'the look' of 'I'm NOT a working dog!!'. Though, now after a few days I think she's getting bored. We're too much like. Way too busy or not busy enough. Never quite satisfied.

Pictures and updates of the new dogs later today or tomorrow once they bounce in from Vancouver.

Emily Out

1 comment:

Mark said...

Congratulations Emily
Now you will be able to deal with most issues that arise from dogs being moved around, which is a good thing.

Your Grad pic isn't that bad, unlike all my pics which always look like police mug shots.