Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Little Yellow Dog Loving

It's been an eventful weekend. I'm looking forward to Riley heading to his new home tomorrow, and by the feel of Cinderella's homecheck this evening it looks like she'll probably get her new home this week too :) I'm looking forward to a week or two with just our guys, plus honorary long-term member Floof. Floof has  been here a month now. Not long in term of general fostering, but the longest stay here in quite some time.

He's enjoying himself. Lemon is enjoying him. They are definitely cute together :)


Anonymous said...

hi Emily,
What is the procedure for adopting Cinderella ? (if she is not already adopted) My freind is interested. She looks adorable.

Emily said...

Cinderella is adoption pending. She is having a final meet+greet with her family tonight and should be going home :)

There are LOTS of Taiwanese puppies that need homes though, that are a similar size and age. If your friend can't find anyone in local rescue to fit her family, you can send her to CERA Dog Society. They are such sweet dogs, just need a chance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Emily
Had my heart set on her, but will
keep looking. Mel

Emily said...

Hi Mel, Cinderella's adoption did not go through. The day they were going to come get her they had their older dog go to the vet, and he is starting to show signs of advance liver disease (he is 12 and big!) So they've decided it might not be the best time to add a new family member.

If you are interested in an application for Cinderella pop me an e-mail @ and I'll send you the application form.

I am going away for the weekend, so nothing will really happen until early next week in terms of a homecheck for anybody, but I wouldn't linger on putting an application in.
