A couple of ups, and a down or two over the weekend, but the ups have more than made up for it.
Firstly, we did a homecheck for a couple who want to be pre-approve to adopt somebody, they were looking mostly at a particular dog in Taiwan, but really, they just want somebody who is going to fit them. I love un-picky people after the fit and not the look, age or size. AWESOME people. Their current dog does have some behavioural issues (fear agression with both people and other dogs) but the way they understand him is simply amazing. They understand they most likely won't be able to 'fix' him, but make sure his problems are managed as best as possible.
Where do they hide people like this -we need to clone them! (I secretely wish they might be interested in miss Allie Bubba.)
It's like having a child with ADD or Autism or what-not. There are lots of ways to deal with the problem and make the best out of the situation -and indeed many of the people with these 'disorders' are more stable than those without- but it is a condition, most likely lifelong. It is part of their being and to think it'll completely go away is asking for trouble.
Anyway, I brought Helen to meet them, as I wanted to see what kind of energy Pierre would need in a second dog. She did awesome. Helen is a super polite dog, awesomely dog-social. Despite the 'reactive' label she'd be given and that sometimes she can be a downright snotty snob, she knows her meet+greets, she knows how to deal with unbalanced dogs . She's a fleer like Allie. She won't engage in hostilities unless someone has her backed into a corner. She'll very politely just excuse herself :P Despite being a foster dog, I knew she was the best out of my current pack to deal with Pierre anyway. (Beckett is big and blind, Lemon thinks EVERYBODY is her friend and is tiny. Not necessarily great dogs to have meet+greet possible fear aggression)
Anyway, Pierre most definitey is the kind of dog who will hugely benefit from having another dog, but from the visit I could tell he needs a calm, adult female with stable energy. He doesn't need a play partner. He needs a stablizer. (THEY GET THAT TOO. How cool is that!) Not that he needs a 'role model' to follow, he just needs someone impeccebly well-balanced and confident in themselves to feed off of. So, in bringing Helen I might have just brought them exactly what they needed. We'll see if she won them over, but I'm so glad they are so open to just bringing in somebody that 'works'. Really, that's what rescue is about -especially in the second dog world-. Finding the second one can be hard. The first one you make work because they are the only dog, but the second has to not only fit the people, but fit the other dog.
But they've dealt with so much -and so calmly and realistically- with the first dog I know whoever lands with them -regardless if they have 'issues' or not- will get the attention they need.
So we'll see where that one goes. I have no real idea, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they'd like to adopt Helen. Maybe they'll want to meet+greet Allie?? ---I can dream can't I?
On the Alphie front, he was brought in to the vet by his trialling home and has dry eyes, and small ulcers due to them. He's on drops now and might need them the rest of his life. I have my fingers crossed that doesn't get in the way of him staying with the awesome family he's trialling with. They haven't asked me to come get him, so I think we'll be okay. Daily eyedrops, even if they're for life shouldn't be a dealbreaker right? (Opinions wanted!) But this is rescue, you never knows which or how many straws breaks camel backs. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing the jenga tower!
Alvin's meet and greet got back to us too, so he's scheduled in next week providing his potential new mum is over a nasty flu. I say, that's okay, keep that flu to yourself! Alvin has his normal dog days when he's part of the pack, and he has his days where he reverts to the Chihuahua who doesn't know how to do anything, but that's all apart of learning to become someone or somedog new. Good days and bad days.
Allie's homecheck will be done today.
Hmm, wait a second. Might it be possible that everyone is adopted in a week??? Alphie on trial, if Allie's homecheck goes well she could be going home this week too. Once Alvin's homecheck is done he can pretty much to go his new home immediately if they're a good fit. And if AWESOMEST home fell in love with Helen, who knows.
I think two. It could be none, it could be all of them. I think we're in for an interesting week!
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