Our routine goes like this: 6:30am -pee time. Back inside quickly. They play, wrestle, eat, drink, and by 8:30 or so, everyone is crashed out on the dog beds until about noon, when its out to pee again, walk around the property -about 20-30 minutes-, and come back in, repeat the play process for about another half an hour, and then ZONK, out until after supper. Then we repeat the process around 5-7 depending on when I get hungry, and again at bedtime at about 10 if I don't fall asleep on the couch with Alphie, Alvin and Lemon hanging out with me. When I head to bed everyone is fine to head into their kennels, have a small supper and crash.
Alphie and Allie are housetrained. They go as soon as they hit grass and are ready to come back inside quickly. Alvin has had one accident, but that's to be expected in the first couple of days. Alphie is still getting over his recent neuter, and spends most of his playtime following Beckett around trying to mount him. Thankfully for Beckett he gets tired quickly and is content to curl up for most of the day. He's being a bit of a jerk with little Alvin, but has quickly learned 'the look' foster mum gives that means 'You better think about it'. He knows to think better of it with Beckett. He'll soon get over it. He just lost his balls, and he's trying to figure out where the boundaries are. He's found them. Now hopefully he doesn't test them too much longer :)
I'm glad to say Alphie is doing MUCH MUCH better on his leash. I've had him dragging it the last couple of days not so that I could pull him back if he was doing something naughty, but to get him used to its prescence. Now that he knows the leash isn't going to kill him, he rarely gets into bucking bronco mode on our little walks. Soon I'll have him out walking trails and such so that we can practice leash skills with distractions. I want him to go to his new home (wherever that will be) with as little hurdles to overcome as possible. He's a diamond that just needs some polishing.
Alphie saying: "Thank you Auntie Michelle for the Sweater. I LOVE it!"
Alvin is a bit of a busy-body when he's not zonked out. Despite not seeming to know much at all, it doesn't stop him from trying to explore and being a bit of a pain in the butt when he gets himself stuck somewhere. He's a fiesty little bugger but as much as he has such confident posture he's a big old wimp underneath. He got to visit with Chula, Netty and Jennie yesteray and was flirty with all the girls. He's going to be fine anywhere he lands. His favourite things include digging himself into the blankets and flinging toys out of the toy box. Apparently he just can't find whatever he's looking for!
A Bed fit for a Prince
Allie is starting to come around. I see a wagging tail sometimes, and she likes to hang out around me. She still darts away if I reach out to pet her, but she'll come back and sniff my hand and hang out again. She's fine to be pet, isn't fighting the leash much anymore and is enjoying her walks around the property. I will slowly start pushing her for more interaction, but with the eventual goal of her wanting to come up for attention. Or not scampering away anyway. She's a super quiet girl though and isn't phazed by having other people around. She could walk by the people on the ferry without issue. When the door opens and Jerrad comes in, she always pops up and trots to see him. She just needs to figure out being handled isn't necessarily a bad thing. For now, we're playing hard to get ;)
Hanging out with Beckett for a bit.
Allie getting used to having a closed crate.
She still has a few safe spots around, but no hiding for this girl!
I give it a few more days for the boys to settle in and realize this is my house. People might think I'm a bit of a guardian angel for saving pups, but as far as they're concerned, I hang my halo up when I come in the door. This isn't heaven, this is bootcamp. And I can be a meanie by times. And somehow its always the boys that push the envelope. Oh well. That just means I get to be the big, mean boss faster. Honeymoon period is over boys, here is where the works begins!
Insert maniacal laughter here.
Sometimes they just have to learn I can be their worse enemy before they become smart enough to avoid trouble. Ahh, the first week of fostering, I now remember why I dislike it so much. It's the week I have to be the big-female laying down the law. But the law is what keeps things in order. The law is what creates the basis for good pets. The law is for everyone's own good. And I'm the judge and jury all in one.
So, you better not piss me off!
I suddenly think I know why I like the shy guys so much. They rarely piss me off. It's hard for dogs that don't want much to do with me to piss me off. Despite my ability to be a mean-son-of-a-gun, I really can be a best friend too. I will pick you up, dust you off and try, try again. I will wait patiently until you're ready to venture near, and I'll whisper kindly in your ears that you are indeed a good dog. I give good massages when you're ready. I don't mind taking the time to earn your trust. I will push you just enough outside your comfort zone that there's light at the end of the tunnel. This is what you need, and I will, with all my heart and soul, try my best to give that to you.
But if you're being a little douchebag, what you need is a good tell-off, and I will just as equally try to give you what you need.
What we need: to NEUTER OUR DOGS YOUNG!!!
Emily Out
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