Saturday, January 21, 2012

Temptations, an Update and a Milestone

So, I get back in touch with TG -they were having computer difficulties for awhile- and the first thing I get nailed with are these cute little suckers. They are only 5.5 weeks old, so couldn't come on the next bus run, but jeepers creepers, what faces! It doesn't help that Jerrad has been bugging me to get another puppy foster since Dayo, and that Allie, being a breeder's dog, might do really well having puppies around.

Black Babies

We have awhile to figure these babies out though. Most likely they'll be adopted before Yvette can send them to me ;) We'll see. I'll possibly be getting my first TG foster in the next week or two. Not sure who, or exactly when, but I'm excited to get back to my TG roots. But if not this upcoming bus run, hopefully the next one. Once my current pack is adopted, I really want to get back to fostering TG dogs. Not necessarily exclusively, but I really do want them to be my main focus.

The main reason they haven't been lately is that the bus only comes down every month, month and a half, and usually that leaves me with a couple of weeks (or longer) without any foster dogs. I don't do well empty, especially when there's e-mails out my butt about dogs in danger.

Beckett and Lemon are TG alumni, and don't get me wrong, every dog -Alvin included ;)- has grown on me regardless from which rescue, but I'm never worried with the TG dogs. Sure they might come slightly shy, or scared, or with a bit of baggage, but they fit in the group easily. I'm biased, but TG dogs really are the best. First and foremost, they know how to be DOGS.

The only dogs we've ever seriously considered adopting have been: Trunk, Tucker, Dayo, and obviously Lemon. All Turtle Gardens dogs :) Hmmm, maybe I'm doing better not fostering for them. I don't seem to fall in love with non-TG dogs as much ;)

And speaking of puppies. Picture update of Suhki-Dayo! I see him quite often, but take a look at him growing up!
Now: About 7 months

Shortly after he left foster care

Suhki-Dayo when he first came into foster care

And, the last tidbit of the blog. Allie's milestone. When I took Helen out for her pee tonight (she goes out every hour until she pees, and then she gets a 3-4 hour break), I came back in to Allie jumping up on me. She's usually happy to see me, but it was so good to have that physical connection with her on her own terms. There's a dog that wants to trust underneath all that baggage. I feel so blessed that I got to share that moment with her. It might have been the first moment she's ever felt that at ease with any human being. How lucky am I that I get to be that person!

I'm sure they'll be more setbacks to come, and more progress too, but its the little moments that get you. The moments they shed their shells and show you whose underneath. And underneath, Allie shines brightly. Time, patience and love. Whoever adopts her and is willing to subscribe to those three words will forever have a great friend. For now, I'll enjoy the small day-to-day moments. Patience -its a good thing for me :)

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