Saturday, April 7, 2012

Guess who Wanted to Go for a Walk Today?

Although yesterday was some tough slogging on the DimSum (who I keep trying to call Chow) walking front, she surprised the beejeezus out of me today. She jumped in the car ready to go, and when we landed for our first walk, jumped out happy and ready to go again. No poking, no prodding, no being a mean foster mum and making her get over it.

Take a look!

She still has a ways to go with passing people -she puts the breaks on and we have to tug her along a bit-, but she's getting curious too. She gets past them enough that she thinks they're far enough away and turns back to check them out. Soon she'll get closer and closer.

Also, another mile in foster care... becoming a McDonalds addict. Check out DimSum and Lemon sharing the french fries...

In other news, Jasmine is back in foster care, and although she didn't recognize me, she definitely recognized Jerrad. It took her all of 20 seconds for her to get comfortable with us. We were going to walk her until she dropped, but we all did about 6km and called it enough for a day. She's come back like she never left. No wild pacing, no whining, she's already laying down with the other dogs like she used to. I'm sure we'll have some of Jasmine's bad days in the future, but for now, all things are good. She's a little bit like a war survivor. She has a lot of good days, but when they're bad, she's better off just staying in bed most of the day. Sigh. It's hard with the dogs that think they've landed here forever. If only an adopter could see what I see now. This is the dog she would become -and even better probably- given proper patience and time.

And, cause it wouldn't be a blog without a couple pictures, here are some from today's outing.

A Shot of Migo that shows just how small (but tall!) he is.

DimSum hangs in the backseat on the way to the beach.

Getting some DimSum loving on the trail.

Me and the Girls.
Jasmine Returns
No applications for anybody in the works, so I'm just going to enjoy my crew, work on the confidence building with DimSum, and hopefully do some work with Jasmine too (though she hasn't jumped at any weird noise yet since she's been back).

And that's it for Saturday!
Foster Pack Out

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