Sunday, April 1, 2012

Memo to Self: Rethink the Fearful Dog Thing Next Time (And Welcome Migo and DimSum)

The new recruits have arrived. Migo is here from Taiwan. Besides being all puppy without a ton of indoor manners, he's very friendly. People, other dogs, he's great -although he doesn't understand when another dog is telling him off yet. He's ready to go for daycare. He walks pretty well on his leash so far and tackled the 6km mini-loop of Elk Beaver with excellent social skills. All in all, Migo is highly adoptable, a very good family dog.

Some shots of Migo at the lake:

DimSum arrived a couple of hours ago. Not so much of a party, but I wasn't expecting one. I'm hoping the edge will go away quickly, but she's quite fearful. She definitely needs confidence building, she needs to learn how to walk on a leash/that a leash isn't going to hurt her -we might just borrow Migo's harness for a few days. She needs to slowly understand people will be good to her. She needs to build her confidence with other dogs as well. She's not bad with them, but she is very defensive, especially with the bigger ones. Chow was a similair way when she came too, and got over it quickly. If terriers are anything, they are resilient!

Unfortunately, Beckett's nose got the brunt of DimSum's fear. Dim is lucky Beckett has awesome social skills (granted, that's a big part of why she's here), but I need to think my situation a little bit for later down the road. Get the wrong fearful dog that doesn't understand Beckett is blind and it could be a lot more than a tiny chunk out of a nose. To Beckett's credit, he didn't do anything back, and at the same time stood his ground. Good! That should mean DimSum understands that behaviour doesn't have the intended effect -it didn't make him 'go away'. When you look at it bare bones, behaviour is quite simple in its roots. If the behaviour does what the dog intends or wants it to do, (ie: it works), it will continue to do that behaviour. If it doesn't, the likelihood of continuing that behaviour is much smaller. All animals do what's in their best interest, including us humans.

So with Migo, we're going off to daycare a couple of times this week. With DimSum, I need to build her confidence before throwing her in a new environment with that many dogs all at once. TG is one thing, daycare with bouncing, idiot dogs who play well, but don't have the best language skills (giving OR receiving) is a totally different ball game. We'll wait out the first week and see how she is after that.

For the next day or two (until my school life is done for the year) I'm keeping Migo and DimSum seperate. Migo doesn't understand her body language, -he wants to play with everybody and thinks everybody wants to play back-. He'll go to daycare and get his hour long walks. Dim will build her confidence with Beckett, Lemon, and Zephyr, who has amazing dog skills himself. Pack walks will be what they are -pack walks-, but for the next couple of days, I don't need any more chaos than what's already here.

On DimSum's 'prescription' for the next few days:
1) Crate-training for night-time
2) Building confidence on a leash
3) Dragging her leash to build confidence on her leash, and to do some short umbilical sessions
4) Hand-feeding supper to build rapport between her and us
5) Rest. It's mentally exhausting going through confidence building exercises. Rest is important!

Just not sure about anything. Don't worry, Terriers don't stay shy/fearful here for very long my dear.
I'm looking forward to hitting the middle of the week. It's been a little too nuts for me between school, dogs and work. It'll be good to take the ax to school for the year. Give me some more time to really work on the confidence building --it takes a lot of energy on both my part, and the dog's to really get the best out of it. I have my fingers crossed so hard Migo's applicant doesn't bail.

Thurs, Thurs, Thurs, here I come! If only we could skip right to that, it would be fantastic!

Emily Out


turtlegardens said...

No more fearful dogs for the next TG Bus Run - we are all out!Dimmy was the shiest and yet the most confident with the dogs here. She was quite good with the smaller pom/sheltie pups. Mind you she has never encountered a sight impaired dog before. It was a very long day for her and a very scary one for her. Change is always hard on feral/semi-feral dogs. Thank you for giving Dimmy her chance at the "good life"

Emily said...

She has been excellent with Lemon, even asking her to play, and her and Zephyr (similiar size, though a bit shorter) understood each other right from the get-go. She has good body language, Beckett just can't see it very well.

Just time, and exposure for her though :) I think in a few days once the leash isn't so scary, it'll be faster sailing. But she's already putting her guard down later this evening. Currently, she's up on the couch with me and Lemon, quite content, and had a small snuggle with Beckett -though he's still a little bummed about his nose-.

All in time. Doesn't help that until Tuesday night, I'm a raging stress ball myself with. She'll get there. For better or worse, terriers don't stay shy or scared here very long :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Emily, Thursday is just around the corner...sounds like yr sofa's a jumping with activity. Your 2 newbies should be a joy to work with when the heat from yr school studies is off. Did a day long pet first-aid class at the spca today. (run by St.John's ambulance) Had some free time at days end and spent it with some the the dogs there. Eighteen northern b.c. sled dog have just recently of Sir Beckett...elegance, humour and a body built for speed...I get it Emily...good thing that we are happy with our SukhiDayo and Miss Veda (aka Vedala...Falalalalala) Sukhi has walked 2 straight days without a limp so we are offering some longer walks...yay...Around the lake at some point will be nice...Catch u two six!! As ever, Cheryl

Emily said...

Oh boy, don't tell me about sled-dogs. :P I have a total weakness. I was lucky Harvey at TG isn't particularly good with small dogs, or I would have caved! But Lemon is the perfect 2nd dog for us, and for the fosters. And that she's small is actually a bigger benefit than I thought it would be (it's easier to build confidence around dogs with a confident smaller dog. Who knew!)

PS: We should walk sometime soon. Migo could do (on leash) dog park easily. I have some definite work to do with Dim and the leash before I want to bring her much of anywhere.

Hopefully as summer gets closer, I'll be doing a weekly dog walk at about the same time -if you guys want to join us, that would be awesome :)
