Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lemon's Take/Beckett's Take


It's hard work putting up with all these puppies! But I tell you what, I keep them all in line and make sure Zephyr isn't bugged too much, and that my brother isn't played too rough with. I have everybody telling Migo off for rough play! Doesn't he understand we do that OUTSIDE! Inside, we do not bounce off the walls. Well, maybe sometimes, but not ALL the time. And he's older than I am. SHEESH!

I am teaching DimSum all about the finer points of sneaking cat food, and how to wrestle on the couch without falling off. She's getting good! I can still take her!! On the trails, I stick right by my mom's side, in front of the fosters and make sure none of the dogs we pass by are mean. Migo wants to play with EVERYBODY, even the dogs I know don't want to play. I hope someone clobbers him good so he'll learn. DimSum's tail is slowly coming out between her legs. Don't worry, there's nothing scary I can't handle! I'll keep good care of her.

Still, my favorite part of the day is the twenty minutes after mealtime where Migo and DimSum take their naps and I get to play, play, play with my brother. He's so popular (and SUCH a PUSHOVER), but he's MY brother first. What would he ever do without me! These fosters would walk right over him!

And now, to catch a nap while Migo goes to work with mum. Boy does he ever wear my patience out.

Lemon on the Trail

I'm still a little miffed that DimSum got my nose a couple days ago. That hurt! But I know she didn't mean it, but that doesn't mean I want to play right away. I'm giving her the cold shoulder for now, but I do like her. I just want her to know that I'm safe and won't hurt her. I've never hurt anyone -well, except that squirrel that one time, but I let it go I swear.

I am enjoying going on the hikes with Migo so he can burn his energy so he's not quite so stupid at home. Mostly, I prefer if he didn't like to mount me to get me to play. I don't mind when Lemon does that, but she's a girl. But Migo's a good boy, he'll get it if I keep telling him nicely. I hope. I do play with him, but I don't like to bounce off the walls. Mum is going to bring him to daycare, so hopefully he's tired tonight.

Secretly, I've very glad DimSum takes a LONG LONG time to pee when she comes out on her leash. Lemon and I pee and mark all over the place to show her what she should do, but I don't mind that she takes forever. I love being outside when its nice out. When it's raining, I'd much rather be inside. Now, if I could teach her to pee quickly when its raining, and really, really slow when its sunny.

Oh, and Zephyr and I do get along really well, he just won't admit it. Sometimes he's grouchy and won't let me out of the bedroom, but I don't really care (though Mum thinks I should). I like seeing him so happy when we go out to the lake. Almost like he's a puppy again.

Well, that's all the news for today.
Thanks for reading,

Beckett on the Farm

I'm not quite sure why everyone loves me so much, but I don't mind all the cuddles.

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