Friday, February 24, 2012

Car Goes Kaput, and More Videos

Well, its been a LONG day. Went to grab groceries and the car suddenly quit on the highway. Done. Kaput. And so it was with the diagonostic. She's done. Engine has no more in her. Would have to get a new engine, which at minimum would cost twice what she is worth.

RIP Tercel, for being over 20 years old and only costing us $700 you gave us three years of flawless service, never once leaving us strandred. We had a Toyota before that did the same thing. No issues until she went for good.

So, suffice to say groceries didn't get bought, but we did get the Tercel towed close to work. So, I went to work an hour early, without Chow. That's life. There was no way to go get her, but she had her pee, she had her food, and she had a bone in her crate. She would just have to survive a nearly full 'work-day'. And she did. She's been kind of nutso tonight, but by about 8:30 or so settled back down again. She's been to daycare all this week, and been out on multiple hikes so she's not too strapped for exercise. Heck, what I feel guilty about is the norm for a lot of dogs. ---Now I really know why people bring pups to daycare. After a long day of work, you really just want an hour or two to chill out without a puppy clobbering you.
We'll hopefully get the Camry up and running over the weekend -she fizzled out about a week ago, and we just haven't had the time to bring her in and didn't have an incling the Tercel was about to kick the bucket so didn't bother-. If she bites the dust too, I'll have to dig deep to buy another junker. Money things like to show up all in a neat little basket of costs. Hopefully nothing else goes down the sinker soon! I'm just glad I have a seperate account for vet stuff for Lemon and Beckett set aside. If there are plans in place, there's no huge panic, and Murphy doesn't like to sink his laws into your life.

So, not much to report since I spent most of the day figuring out the car, at work or getting back from work. But I do have a series of smaller videos :). Hope you enjoy.

Oh, and a Cute Picture for Good Measure:

If I owned my own home, I'd just keep Chow. But, I'm a mostly-broke student who rents, has two dogs already, and now has to most likely buy another car. I think Karma is telling me "Who do you think you're kidding, don't even think about it!"

But I must admit, they all play so well together. But life is life, and I know her family is out there somewhere. So until then I'll enjoy each and every day I get to foster her :)

Emily Out

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