Friday, February 17, 2012

Trip to the Lake and a Happy Tail

Friday happens to be my day off, and even though its been a rather ugly day, we decided to head out to the lake. Apparently they have a toxic algae problem, but our usual walk doesn't really get us to the lake, and Beckett and Lemon are 'anti-water' dogs, so we figured we were there anyway, might as well do our 6 km (lazy man's version of the full 10km).

Apparently I'm one of very few semi-irresponsible Victoria dog walkers. Usually Elk Beaver lake is THE SPOT to be bombarded by dogs on the trails. We didn't meet a single dog until we were loading up to go home, and some other semi-irresponsible people were unloading their crew.

Oh well, we had the place pretty much completely to ourselves, despite a few horses and odd joggers. Enjoy it while you can!

Chowmein is nervous around things she doesn't know. She just needs exposure. It's a little harder to give her that exposure here on the farm that where we used to live, but we have to work in baby steps anyway, so no heavy traffic for awhile. ---It overwhelms her when there's too much to focus on. Typical for a dog that hasn't been socialized too much. She's getting her confidence built up slowly but surely. It helps that Beckett and Lemon aren't phazed by basically anything. I am very lucky that my own pack is so stable. It allows me to focus on the needs of my fosters while we're out and about working on confidence, moving forward, and the like.

Some pics from the Non-Lake, Lake

Jerrad and the Pack

Chowmein stops to pose.

At only approx 6 month, and about 40-45 pounds, she's going to be quite a big girl!

Not the best picture, but a good one to illustrate her size.
 And now, a couple of my own dogs.

Lemon in her Tribal Get-Up

Right in step with Me

She spies a bird!

Look Mum, NO HEAD!

And to end our trip, all three dogs promptly checked out a dog bed for a few hours.
Yep, they all picked the same bed!

We might take the pack for walk X2 today, but chances are the hour and a bit is good enough. Lemon and Chowmein played hard at daycare yesterday, so should be low-key today. Beckett is usually low-key these days no matter how much exercise he gets. He runs around the farm and vainly playbows to the chickens for hours if he has some extra to burn. I must admit, it's nice to be able to leisurely stroll around the property in my pyjama pants to let the dogs burn some energy. They can get an hour's worth, and I can be on the lazier side :P.

Work smart, not hard ;)

Oh, and I got an update from Alvin and his new mum Cheryl. This picture says it all:

Enjoy forever Alvin! I know your mum is treating you like a big dog, which is what you need to continue being the awesome Chi you became here.

It's weird, I really feel the want to rescue another chi, to pay it forward to Alvin and to the other Chis I've saved, but there's no funds, and I won't be 'going solo' until there is (which might be never at this rate :P). Very sad. Hundreds, if not thousands of these little guys are put down in shelters across the states every day. Besides Pitbulls and Shepherd mixes, its these little guys that are killed the most. Of course there are some rescues that bring them up by the batch, and make profit (it isn't a joke), but to save the odd one here and there, what crime is there in that? Why do I and any rescue have to be labelled and finger-pointed at, just because we save a couple of Chis here and there.  Are you really against the dogs, or just against the practices some 'rescues' employ.

Fact is, its easier to find foster for the little guys. Facts are bitches.

Sigh, most days I'm just grateful to have the opportunity to help as much as I do, but then there is the odd day like today that I'm peeved at myself for not being able to do more.

This too will pass.  Negativity only breed negativity, and I don't need that in my dogs!

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