Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Video of Allie!!!!

The blog won't let me upload a video so large, but following the link is well worth the time if you've been following Allie's journey. I finally got some video of Allie 'Bubba'. Usually she is afraid of the camera and books it for her crate, but tonight, she let me take video of her being a good girl.

Fair warning, my baby voice will get annoying. at 9:00pm at night they don't get excited over a normal voice :) Here's a teeny tiny like 3 second video as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found the video of Allie touching to watch.
You can see that she is sweet (and pretty) and looking like she wants to be or is closer to being cuddly/confidant like the others. I'd bet that with continued love etc. she will only continue to blossom.
I am thinking a woman with another 'confidant' dog she could learn from would be the best for her...