Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Zen Den + Trip to the Lake

Without daycare for the last day or two, the two young dogs + young in body Beckett have been playing like loonies. They go up and down the couch, from one side of the living room to the next, wrestling, tackling, and being young goofy dogs. Plus, when one is mostly blind, and one is a pup who doesn't know where her legs are going, you get a little bit of chaos. (It's chaos before you even enter Chow into the mix. Lemon and Beckett play for HOURS on their own. My seven year old dog has the stamina of a three year old.)

Zephyr is getting a little cranky with all the flailing bodies, and Jasmine is getting tackled a little too often. And of course, me trying to settle down the playing dogs needs to be loud so they can hear me through their play, but my louder voice scares Jasmine -she buckles and cowers, poor thing-. Chow tried to guard her bed today, and when I went 'HEEY' Jasmine yelped and went and hid. Not my intended result for sure!

So, to give these two middle-aged guys a retreat, I've set up the gaming room and Jerrad's study room as their room. It's quite a big 'room', more like a den really, so they have plenty of room to move around, grab an interrupted nap, or hang by Jerrad's feet. I've put their crates down there, and left them open, and put cushy blankets around the room too. Jerrad is down there at least 5-6 hours a day, and of course they're still going for their 2-3 half hour walks and getting lots of attention. When I put Chow away for her nap, I go down and give them scratches and lovings and talk quietly to them. They are softies. They don't ask for much attention. I sit on my computer and type and they enjoy my company. Mostly, I just stay quiet with them and they sit around and snooze happily.

They don't mind the move at all. I'm feeling a little guilty that I'm not around them as much as before, but I know its in their best interest. I'd rather they get their quiet, loving time for 3/4 of the usual time, than full-time annoyance.

After all, they are dogs that haven't had to deal with 'puppies' in a very long time -if ever for Jasmine-. Sudden exposure to kids has me wanting to de-stress too. But they are such good, loving dogs. Not clingy or needy, just thankful.

It's only been one night, but they are already less cranky, feeling better about their surroundings. I feel a little bad that they aren't apart of the group most of the time, but they are welcome upstairs whenever they feel like it. But to have their own safe location will keep them happier. NO KIDS ALLOWED!

We also went out to the lake with everyone today. The TUAPAS handled the hour and a half very well. They are good on their leashes, and Jasmine is gaining confidence by walking in a pack. She will need another dog (hopefully a bigger, confident, middle-aged one) in her new home. She's not ready to be with only people. That said, who knows for down the road. But for right now, home with another dog is one of the boxes that must get ticked.

Unfortunately, no pictures are both Jerrad and my hands were filled with leashes, but if Chow is adopted soon, I'll make sure I get some of the TUAPAS enjoying their walks.

Two homechecks combo meet+greets for Chowmein tomorrow. I'm hoping she'll tell me what home is right for her. :)

Will let you guys know how it goes tomorrow night!

Emily Out

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